Nina TK

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She doesn't hate Liu or Jane or Sully..

It's just that, they all have the same goal of trying to kill Jeff someday- it's actually how they became friends- except they did all try to kill each other for the fact of wanting to kill Jeff themselves

Buttttt since they all wanted to live to see Jeff's death day, they made a compromise to do it together.

And in the process of their plotting they accidentally became friends.

Of course like all friends they have their differences and fight from time to time but they're also young adults (Also even though I'm not sure if they were but I'm going to say they were because it makes more sense to me that Jeff was 17 and Liu was 15 at the time of Jeff's story since technically his 2015 version would have been 20 since he was born in 1995 but his 2011 version would've been 16- so we're going with 17 and 15 because to me it makes more sense)

Jane is the oldest, being the closest to Jeff's age, Nina being the next oldest since in her revamp she's written as a young adult which would be around 16-17, and Liu and Sully are the youngest-

Now of course they've age up a little by now, Jane's around her 20s, Nina's around 19, Liu and Sully near 18 years old

Now I need everyone to remember it is a head cannon author's au hence the name of the book. I try not to stray too far away from the original stories because I feel like that'd be wrong of me myself  to do personally. Honestly you be yourself with your au or whatever use your imagination. I do it all the time, some of the things in my au I haven't even shared yet, I've got a whole lot of things to share---

How did a head cannon of Nina turn into one that involved a whole lotta other information about others too-

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