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The wind in Fukuoka blew widely, trees shook as the wind rushed swaying and forth. A robotic man and a bunny masked girl watched Hawk's agency in annoyance. Gojo wanted them to retrieve his own mistake. And kill forensics.


'You two are still here? Good! Now as leader of this little group I need you to fetch something for me!'

'We're not your dog.'

'No no no! This is a fun mission! You get to break into the #3 heroes agency and destroy a robot and kill a forensics! It'll be fun! Plus it's a part of my plan~'


He also said to make it big. In the past they were apparently a good duo that was nearly unstoppable. Too bad they had memory loss. Suzuki sighed.

"I got a plan." She said.

"I'm pretty sure you can track tech or something, so you shut down the power, go for the robot and the forensic and I'll keep the birdy busy. Voila." She said and made the plan right on the spot, proudly.

"What if you can't distract him? Or get caught?" Zem mused.

A tick mark grew on her forehead.

"I won't."

"It's less than 30% probability in your favour that you would."


"Less than 30 percent my ass... it's just a stupid bird..." Suzuki mutterd. Currently she was squished in the ventilation system, crawling her way into his office. She had to hook her gun to her foot, dragging it with her. Her arms were sore and she was cold. Suzuki stopped when she was in a fork in the road- er, vent.

"More AC goes into the CEO's office than a normal room in a building... so the nest is that way." She said to herself, guiding the way more air pushed her way.

Muttering curses under her breath, she stopped once she saw an opening to the heroes desk.

"I'm ready when you are, Zem." She said in her ear piece, already knowing what's going to happen.

'Ready... now.'

The lights, slowly, went out one floor at a time until it hit the top. Power was next. Phones turned off, computers, wifi you name it. Power also triggered emergency lockdown. The big, grand door to The hero's balcony closed.

Keigo binked.

"...shit." He muttered.

That was her cue. Silently tearing off the vent, she hopped down and landed on her feet gracefully. Suzuki also changed her voice to that sound when you talk in a fan, but with an annoying high pitched tone. She twirled around with a knife in her hand, gun in the other she giggled maniacally alerting hawks of her position.

"Hello birdy~," she cooed, stooped trailing then held the gun towards him.

"You're staying here for a while ok?~"


Whilst that was happening upstairs, Zem was in the electrical room. He got there pretty easily too. The security here suckslikewhatthehell-

"Now to kill the forensic."


"Come on birdy is that all you got?" Suzuki cooed.

"I'm getting bored already~" She said and put her hands on her mask.

Keigo grit his teeth annoyed. She kept disappearing then reappearing and the ground kept moving, his wings turned into bubbles for a full minute, what's next? Gravity becomes non-existent!? Unknowing to him, she was on his desk the whole time. Getting information on their case and copying it on her flashdrive. While she was at the warehouse when everyone was busing themselves she realized she knew nothing about herself. So getting info from the stalker was her best choice of action.

Her illusioned self started giggling, taunting the pro hero while he literally kicked air. Suzuki decided to change things up.

The illusion was that now Hawks were in an optical illusion. Everywhere he looked was an optical illusion. He felt dizzy and that the floor wasn't even there.

Is this what doing drugs was like?


Blood gushed on the floor and metal clanked against the floor. Zem just exploded the forensics head with a rocket. Not his finest work, but Gojo wanted big, he gave him big that would surely get a reaction from the public.

Tuning into his head piece, he alerted his partner that they had to go.

And go they did(- wait is that proper grammar?) away from the crime scene.


"You are so beautiful..." said Gojo in awe. He stared at a head piece in wonder and astonishment. Clutching the object in his hand softly head rested it on the desk.

"Now the next step." He said. He just gained a new desire. 

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