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"AHHH!!" SHinji screamed as a portal made him fall into the warehouse and on the floor roughly. Mai raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, aren't you fast? You couldn't possibly have not seen that." She said unimpressed and she opened her own portal with her gun.

"J-jima..." Shinji said defeatedly.

"Don't 'Jima' me, Ito." She said with a scowl and walked away to Gojo.

"So glad you could make it with us Mai- or should I say Sakurajima?" He teased, knowing how to set her off.

She crossed her arms. "I see you're the same as ever, bummer. I thought you could have been a little less nasty." She was insulted.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but that," He motions towards her.

"That hurt." Said Gojo as he faked anime cried in a corner.

"Now listen up!" He suddenly said, coming out of his corner.

"I devised a plan for us all to do because our team is almost complete! As a..." He put a finger on his chin.

"Little memento."


In a van sat the two female members in disguise.

"So..." Suzuki started. "We haven't formally met, I'm-"

"Suzuki Makio." Mai finished distastefully. "I know who you are, I wasn't mind wiped like the others." She said with a demanding tone that meant that it's the end of the conversation. It left Suzuki puzzled. Did they get off on the wrong foot? Did she offend her?

"I was just gonna say it's nice to have another girl on the... team." She trailed off, unknowing to what memory she triggered in Mai.


"I... I'm Sakurajima Mai and I want to play too, ya know!" Declared a young Mai. Though nobody heard her. Like she was invisible. They continued to kick the soccer ball unaware of her presence. She bit her tongue to stop herself from crying.

"H-hey! I said I wanted to... play too..." She trailed off.

"You can play with us if you want." A voice popped.

Mai turned around to find a bubblegum pink haired girl with cyan eyes staring right into Mai's.

"R-really?" She asked with hesitance.

"Yeah! Plus, it would be nice to have another girl on the team!"


Blinking out of the flashback she shook her head and got out of the van and into the bank. Suzuki illusioned themselves new identities.

"Remember, we're bank tellers. When the clock hits 12 we commence our side of the plan. Got it?" Mai remembered, now walking in the bank to their designated area. "I got it, I got it." She mumbled under her breath.


A military van sped on the busy streets of hosu crazily. Lightning danced around the car and then it seemingly went at light speed until it hit the bridge. Lightning dissipated and pro heroes alike now caught up to them. Gojo, disguised in clown makeup, got out of the car with a gun in hand. Endeavor now crashed in the middle of the bridge to take down the villain, but paused at his attire

"H-hello gentleman. I'm- as you can see breaking the law, I want you to take," Gojo said pathetically in his clown persona, taking a card from his pocket.

"This as a token of-"

"Flash fire fist!"

He was interrupted by Endeavor's fiery fist shooting fire at his figure. Fire flickered around his person like a bubble until it dissipated into nothingness.

"S-sir, that wasn't very kind of you-" Gojo said weakly. He was really just trolling the fiery hero. Throwing his card to the pro, he took a bow curtly before grinning.

"Mr. Fire blob, do you know where we are? If you said on a bridge then you are correct! And where there's bridges, there is water." He signaled Sugawara to do their part of the plan all whilst he was dodging the heroes fire blasts. On the bottom of the bridge water waved up and down making large waves as it continued until it sprouted upward covering the bridge in large quantities. Lightning danced across the water as the car disappeared at light speeds.


Pro heroes anew traveled to the bridge where the battle commenced there. Mai and Suzuki both looked at each other, almost telepathically communicating.

'Now' They thought simultaneously and both put on clown masks. Suzuki illusined outside the shop to look peaceful whilst Mai opened portals to the sea under everyone in the room.

"Grab the bags." She ordered her partner as she opened another portal to the safe inside the building causing the previous ones to close. Suzuki rushed inside, shoving money in the bags.

A ding from the door surprised the female still in the lobby, she turned around to see an old lady. Said lady screamed at the masked clown figuring she walked into a robbery. She ran to the door and Mai freaked and forgot that she had a quirk, she ran after her with a gun in hand. Before the old lady walked outside she got shot in the back and fell to the ground dead.


The big ears of the #5 heroes twitched at the sound of a gunshot and leaped towards the sound. Jumping from roof to roof she witnessed a pool of blood surrounding an elderly. She gasped and went to check for a pulse but there was none. The female turned her head to the bank suspiciously.

Carefully and quietly, she slowly entered the building. She narrowed her eyes at the suspected murderer that was typing away at a computer. She noticed that there was none in there but her.

"Villain! Stand down!" She yelled alerting Mai of her presents. Mau grumbled in annoyance, one problem after another. She curtly jumped away from the fist directed to her and instead smashed into the computer.

They engaged in combat.

Mai opened portal after portal to redirect the punches to her opponent. She opened a portal of her own that she could go into to straddle the heroes back. She aimed the gun to her head but Miriko kept a firm grip on the tip moving it away from her head. She tumbled backwards a bit until she grabbed the masked clown's legs and smashed her into a table. Mai grunted and twisted her legs on the hero's neck and flipped her away.

They glared at each other until one dropped onto the ground.

"Took you long enough." Sighed Mai at her partner, but secretly thankful for her.

"Hey! Why don't you try to pick a lock to a gigantic safe!"

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