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"The attack on the #3 heroes agency 'Hawks' in Fukuoka has reached the far reaches of the globe by now. With an attack on the hero directly and one murder of Rei Kido, a forensics assistant working for the agency. According to witnesses reports, the power went out causing an emergency lockdown trapped the workers inside,"

Shinji watched the news in awe and jealousy because they just attacked the Hawks. The same hawks that he literally fan-boyd over, without him. Without him! He grit his teeth and watched the next part.

"Nothing inside was stolen or broken except for a robot that they consicated a week ago. A source said that you need to physically turn off the power to the building to activate emergency lockdown. That enfalls that the security failed. But the true question is, who broke in? Find out more later on, NHK news." The reporter finished. At the same time the masked bunny girl and robot came back into the warehouse.

"We're done!" Said Suzuki. "We did it are you happy now you idiotic man-child?!" She was annoyed and threw the robot at him. Shinji whistled.

"Very." Said Gojo, still looking at the headpiece.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

Suzuki gave him a look that immediately shut him up.

"Her skirt got torn from wind pressure." Zem elaborated, not even knowing why a small thing would set her off. Shinji ran to his boss, electric sparks jumped around.

"Soooo, what's my mission huh?!" He said excitedly while pointing to himself.

"Oh, your mission?" He grabbed a folder and tossed it to the hyper speedster.

"Bring her here." He said, and twinked with the headpiece smiling. Shinji's soul left his body.

"I have to track her down. That's it? That's it?! They got to break into the top 3's agency and I'm a tracking dog? Why can't I, I don't know, blow up a military base?!" He exaggerated as a poorly animated gun appeared in his hands and a child's drawing of a nuke ran down on the yellow background from tumblr in his imagination.

Goojo 'hmmed' before replying. "Because that's dumb and illogical."

"I was exaggerating!"


Shinji rocked back and forth, swaying and holding onto the wall for dear life only to tumble down the hallway. The stairs are right there, if only he didn't feel so disoriented he could know where the railing was without his eyes playing tricks on him. The red head felt bile rise up in his throat from his stomach. His face turned green and he held his breath. Without second thought he ran up the stairs as if the nausea disappeared. Gross green puke landed in the ocean.

"I hate boats..." Shinji groaned and wiped the access of his mouth, keeping a firm grasp on the handle. A passenger took notice and came to confront him.

"A-are you ok?" He asks and hands in a water bottle which the male takes gratefully.

"I'm ok now-"

The boat turns.

Shinji is now green faced once again. The man sighed and rubbed his back.

"Thank you....?"

"Midoriya, Hizashi Midoriya."


"Never again am I ever going on a boat willingly. That is a metal death trap of doom waiting to happen and it's hell on earth. I can't believe this stupid girl is in the middle of a tourist attraction that's not even in Japan." The red head began to ramble absentmindedly, hands in his pockets. He looked back to the photo of the woman who was their supposed teammate.

Sakurajima Mai

Quirk: Doorway

She can teleport people or objects through doorways but not herself. Because of that she has a teleporting gun that-- well, teleports herself. She has black-ish hair and purple eyes.

Now the thing about that is, where the hell could she be on a giant ass island? Seriously, how is he supposed to find one person on a whole island by himself? And she looks totally normal! No distinctive looks or mutations, just normal!

Shinji clutched the paper with pure annoyance.

"Why can't you be weird?"


Shinji collapsed on the hotel bed exhausted. The whole day and no trace of her! He asked what seemed like millions of people and they all said no. That's fine though, it's not like she's super famous or something that anyone would recognize her! Right?

He clicked the 'on' button on the remote for the AC but no air came out. He tried again. And again. And again and again and again and again and againandagainandagain-



He eventually decided that he should just ask the neighbor next door if theirs is working. So he can, oh you know, kill them and use theirs. He knocked for a bit the waited until-

"Hey, i'm the guy next door and I was just wondering-" His breath hitched because of what he saw. The girl in the fucking picture.

"H-hey! You're the girl that- ack!" He tried to say but the female grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, locking the door.

She turned around baffled.

"Zoloman?" She questioned.

"I thought that after- after that you couldn't see me?!" She continued to question.

"W-who? I'm- i'm Ito not Zoloman so-" He said and cocked his head in question.

The lady paused before realization hit her.

"Oh yeah, memory loss." She said and face palmed. Shinji looked at her ludicrously.

"W-wait, how do you know about the memory loss?"

"Because Gojo trusts me to not spill, unlike you I can keep a secret, Zoloman."

"I told you it's Ito, jima! Wait, is it okay to call you jima?" He said, then frowned. She rolled her eyes.


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