The Boys Come Early?

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I groan as a knock sounds on my door for the tenth time. "GO AWAY ADRIAN I"M SLEEPING!" I scream, I hear a lot of chuckling on the other side of the door. OK it's not just Adrian out there. I slip on some shorts and a shirt, then I pull my hair in a messy pony tail. I walk over to the door and open it cautiously. Adrian stands there with multiple heads behind him, heads I know extremely well. One Direction stands behind him, including Zayn. I  freeze and stare at them, today isn't Saturday is it?

"I thought you lads were coming tomorrow?" I  squeak out, Liam laughs and I look at him curiously.  He's changed a bit since I last saw him, his head is now almost bald, he looks even cuter now. If that's even possible. "We decided to surprise you and come early, I guess we came a little bit to early huh?" Louis asks laughing, I smile and keep my eyes off of Zayn. Well I try, but when I do look at him, he's looking at the ground uncomfortably. "So um wanna come in?" I ask and open the door wider. They trail in and look around, I have posters of people I like and just random pictures of Izzy and I, and now a couple pictures of Adrian and I. Zayn comes in last, still looking at the ground. I sigh and close the door after him, at least I cleaned up last night and my clothes arn't still littering the floor. "So I actually have a class in about 3 hours so I can visit until then, and then you lads could hand out in here? Or do whatever I don't care." I say smiling and then sitting beside Harry on the bed.  "We want to catch up with you!" Niall says bouncing up and down beside me.  I laugh and shake my head. "Well I haven't done much, I just got here this Sunday and I've just settled in and stuff. That's been the highlight since I've last seen you lads." I say and unconsciously glance at Zayn. This time he's looking at me and our eyes meet, I can only see sorrow and regret. I glance away quickly, The biggest thing that happened since I've seen the other lads was breaking up with Zayn. They already know that though, heck the whole world knows that.I sigh unconsciously and stare out my window.

"Annie?"  Harry asks beside me, I blink and look at him. "Ya?" I ask looking around, did something happen? "You kind of zoned out and stuff." Louis says spinning around in my computer chair. "Oh sorry, I just woke up though remember?" I say laughing, and then a huge yawn comes up. The lads laugh, but one laugh is missing from the others. "So are you dating the dude who showed us here?" Zayn asks surprising me and everyone else. His voice is just as I remember, even though now it's kind of saddening. "No, he's just my friend. Kind of like you lads are just my friends." I say shrugging and then I flinch. I should of NEVER said that. Zayn flinches a bit also and a heavy, uncomfortable silence fills the room.

" Well what have you lads been doing since I last saw you?" I ask and bite my lip. I didn't mean to make things awkward, gosh I screw everything up. "We have just done a bit of promoting the new album and all." Liam says smiling at me. A small smile lifts it's way on my face and I look back at my lap. "That's nice." I say and they all nod. It's never been awkward with any of them before, but ever since the breakup, everything has been off. I  look at the clock and almost groan, this has only been 20 minutes. I look at my hands that are fiddling in my lap and sigh again, I don't  think I have ever sighed this much.

"So Annie any cute guys here at college?" Louis asks smirking, I glance up at him in shock. How could he ask that question? Does he know I still cry myself to sleep over Zayn? "I'm sorry, I can't do this." Zayn mumbles and then walks out of the door. I place my head in my hands as I hear the door shut and then someone rubbing my back. "Your still not over him are you?" Harry asks solemnly. I shake my head and tears fall from my eyes. "I still lo-love him so much." I whisper into my hands and a strangled sob leaves my mouth. "Oh gosh Annie we're so sorry." Louis says and then I feel somone's presence  right in front of me. I look in between my fingers and Louis is standing there smiling sadly at me. "If we could change management and the fans minds for you, we would do it in a heartbeat." Louis says honestly to me. I nod my head but still feel my heart falling into the bottom of my stomach. I'm gonna take a s-shower." I  say and grab some stuff from my drawer and go into the bathroom holding back my tears the entire time. I shut the door and they fall, I get into the shower and sink to my knees. Then I cry and cry and cry, I finally finish the shower and go back after making sure my face didn't look like I have been crying the whole time. I walk back out in the clothes i had picked out earlier, and the boys are still there. Well all of them except for Liam and Zayn of course. Gosh I wish none of this had happened, not the break up or anything. I wish I had just stayed hopelessly in love with Louis and everything would have been OK. "Where did Liam go?" I ask and they look up, Louis smiles at me and I force a smile back at him. "To go get Zayn." Niall says and I nod, then sit back on my bed. I glance at my clock, class is in two hours. "I have two hours, do you guys wanna go get some breakfast?" I ask and Niall nods eagerly, I laugh slightly. "OK one second then." I say and then fix my hair and add a little bit of makeup, which causes many protests from the boys.

We walk out and Liam and Zayn are returning, Zayn's eyes are sort of red and my heart bursts. I wish we could be back together also, so badly. Our eyes meet and I give him a sad smile, he doesn't return it. He just stares back with empty eyes. "Hey! You made it back just in time! Were going to get some breakfast!" Niall says excitedly and Liam chuckles, but nods. I lead them to one of the resturants here and we all go to order. I  get a ham and cheese sand-which thing and Niall orders about five different things from the menu, which causes the cashier scrambling to get the order in. After we all get ordered we go to a booth and squeeze in, I end up sitting between Liam and Louis.

"Here is all of your food and may I say, I'm a huge fan!" A waitress says looking at the boys grinning hugely. "Thanks Hun!" Louis says grinning, she glances at me and a confused look crosses her face.

Oh gosh she's gonna say something absolutely awful, I just know him. "Are you and Zaybb back together Annie?" She asks and I shake my heads confused. I thought she would say somthing like, 'Oh what is that ugly thing doing here'. "Aww why not? You guys were the perfect couple! I really hope you do get back together." She says honestly, she gives me a grin and leaves. A small smile creeps its way on my face, at least some fans do like Zannie.  I glance at Zayn and he is staring at me like I'm some alien. I raise my eyes-brows at him and he looks down quickly at his food. That's weird. Well more wierd than usual.

"That was really nice of her." Harry says softly and I look at him and he's giving me a small grin. I laugh and shake my head. "You have no idea." I say and take a bite or my sandwhich. He really has no idea how much that meant to me.

A/N-  Hey!!Hope you guys are liking this!! Yay!  I didn't know how to end this, so I'm sorry it's such a crappy ending! Sorry if it's short...:( I'm a failureeee!!!!




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