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"Come one Ann!" Harry says and drags me along to the car. "Harry he can wait the five second itll take to put my shoe on!" I say and Harry pushes me in the car. "No Louis can't!" He says as I finally get my shoe on. He stomps on the peddle and the car shoots forward. "I'm gonna die." I say and Harry laughs.

We finally arrive to the restaurant Louis picked out for our date. Louis was waiting outside and when he say the car his face light up. He walked over and opened my door for me. "Don't you look gorgeous?" He says looking me up and down. I roll my eyes, I didn't even dress up. "I'm wearing jeans and a shirt not exactly gorgeous material," I say and he shakes his head. "You are still the prettiest one in this restaurant." He whispers in my ear and I blush. We sit down at our table and order. "Your definitely the most handsome in this restaurant," I say teasingly and he laughs. "Duh babe, I mean have you seen me?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"I love you Annie." He says and I grin wholeheartedly at him. "And I love you Louis."

Turns out the person I always loved, did in fact love me back. And who even cared about the fans and the media or even management when I had Louis? It just took me a while to realize it.

A/N- SHORT ENDING, CRAPPY ENDING AND YOU STILL LOVE ME. HAHA! SO ya. This is the end and I am never writing more to this, or looking at it again or anything. Thankyou for reading though! I am currently writing an Ed fanfic ( WOOO ) and working on some imagines and what not! Thankyou, this has been fun to write!

They Don't Know About UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora