New Dates

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I push Louis away from me quickly, my breathing wild. "Why in the world did you kiss me!"  I screech at him. He bites his lip and looks at the floor and shrugs. He shrugs. "I just got heartbroken over your best mate. He just dumped me last night and you just- just kissed me!" My arms are all over the place as I speak, making everything exaggerated. "Why?" This time sadness and pain fills my voice instead of anger.

For once I had thought I could have a friend, my friend again and not worry about pulling a move or something like that. Then he kisses me. "I don't know, I really shouldn't  have. I just, I'm in- I. You know what never mind, I'm sorry I kissed you. It won't happen again,  don't worry about it." He shakes his head and trudges out the door of my dorm. Leaving me a confused and heartbroken mess.

*Week Later*

A knock sounds at my door.



Three times.

Don't they understand, I'm not going to answer. Still they (whoever the blasted person is) doesn't stop knocking. I continue eating my ramen noodles and scrolling through a new twitter I made. It's sort of for a One Direction fan account, but not really.

"Annieeeeeeeeee." Adrian yells through the door. I giggle and ignore him. Soon enough he remembers he has my spare key and walks in, with Josh Devine behind him?

Wait what

"Remember how I told you to date a normal person? My cousin here Josh is a normal person! So go out on a double date with me!" Adrian says bouncing off the walls. I giggle, "Josh is One Direction's drummer." Not very normal if you ask me.

Adrian however is shocked, for what reason... I have no idea. "Your One Direction's drummer and you never told me!" He shouts and turns Josh's way. "Well I have told you many times, but you were to busy texting some Annie girl ALLLLLL the time." Josh says and Adrain blushes slightly. "I'm that Annie  girl." I say looking at Josh, he smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "She was going through a tough time Josh! Don't make it sound like I have some massive crush on her! She's my sister basically!" Josh chuckles and I nod and give him a big hug, all complete with the pulling on the cheeks.

"Well I don't really feel like dating anyone right now, if you don't mind Josh. I mean if you really want to.." "No no no that's fine! I only did it because he begged me to. I already have my eye's on someone anyway!" Josh says cutting me off. I wiggle my eyebrows this time, causing everyone to laugh. "Well what are you doing here then? Go get your girl!" I say and push him towards the door. Josh laughs and takes off through the door.

He must really like that girl. "Movies later? I'm asking um this girl Hanna, on a date and ya. Could you perhaps find someone to go with?" Adrain asks and I shrug. "I can try." He smiles and takes off  through the doorway.

I hesitantly dial Louis number. He picks  up on the third ring.

Annie? - L

Ya, hey Lou! Um I know we kind of got off into "bad" waters last week, but can you do me a favor? - A

Depends on the favor. - L

Um well Adrian, remember him? - A

Ya, I remember him. - L

Ya well he is taking some girl to the  movies, and he wants me to bring a date. Well maybe not a date, but a friend or someone. But that way it could be a double date. Anyway could and would you like to go with me? - A

Um..... Ya sure An. I'd love to go with you. - L

Thank you sooo much Louis!!! - A

Now facing the fact, I have a "date" I should probably get dressed. I slip on a lace white dress and add my faded jean jacket. I pull on white sandals and do my hair and makeup, nothing that fancy since it is Louis. I could probably go in sweats and he wouldn't care.

Or would he? I mean there has to be some reason why he kissed me! Could Louis like me?

No, no way. That can't even be possible! He is the one who told me he didn't like me because he loved or loves Eleanor.

Why am I thinking of this anyway?

I log out of twitter and a clean up a bit, as soon as I finish that a knock sounds at my door for the second time today.

I open it and see Louis. But I'm not even sure if this is Louis. His hair is changed, the sides of his head is shaved for his quiff. (Coiff?) He completely changed his style of clothing, but I mean he looks hot.

"Hey An!" He greets and gives me a hug. I bury my face in his neck and smell his familiar scent.

It smells like home strangely enough. "Hey Lou." He doesn't let go, just keeps on holding me in his arms. Which I don't even mind, strangely enough.

Finally though I pull away and look at him again. "Gosh Louis, you look really good. I like your new hairstyle also." I compliment him, he smiles hugely and his blue eyes twinkle. "Thanks, you look incredible as well." I blush at him compliment, still not used to getting them. "Thankyou Louis. Oh look Adrian and Hannah are here!"  I grab his wrist and shut the door. I pull him towards the cute couple.

"Hi Annie, Louis! This is Hannah my date. Hanna this is Annie, my best friend and Louis her date." Hannah smiles and nods at both of us. "Whose car are we gonna use?" Adrian asks the group, Louis raises him hand and leads us to his nice car.

I still have my hand locked around Louis wrist, but he doesn't seem to mind. In fact he keeps looking down and smiling, so I grab his hand in mine.



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