With HOPE comes PAIN

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Zayn and I sneak back into my dorm after our amazing night out, only to see the rest of the boys in there. I quickly try to snatch our hands away but Zayn keeps a tight grip, "They know." I relax and stop pulling away. "Hey guys," all the boys turn their heads and give us huge smiles, well all the boys but Louis. Louis keeps his head down and wipes his eyes, is he crying?

"Lou?" He looks up and gives me a small broken smile but his eyes are slightly red and puffy. My heart lurches, mostly because I  know exactly why he is crying. 'I'm sorry,' I mouth and he nods. Zayn squeezes my hand and I look up at him, he shows me a cute grin and then all my worries are gone. It's amazing how someone you love can do that to you.

*A week later*

"Perrie Edwards, that is who is going to be playing my fake girlfriend." Zayn announces over video chat. Perrie Edwards from Little Mix! "I love Little Mix!" Zayn chuckles and then looks over his shoulder at one of the boys most likely. "I've gotta go babe, Harry's shouting about dinner being ready." My smile drops a bit but I keep it in place. We announce our I  love you's and goodbyes and then he  ends the skype call. I spin around in my chair and wonder what to do with my life, I mean it's Saturday in thee morning. I don't party or anything like that, unless I'm with Zayn or the lads of course. Adrian is out with friends, this is why I am called unsocial.

I need to make some new friends...

I grab my phone and send out a text to Danielle Peazer, ya I'm friends with her. Be jealous! She responds and says that she can hang out today thankfully. She is fixing to go on tour for X-Factor, so I'm just glad she is available. 

We meet at starbucks, with tons of paps hanging around. As usual though we ignore it and smile laugh and have an excellent time.

*After starbucks*

I walk home from starbucks, "HEY! Annie!" I turn around and look at the personn calling my name. I stop walking and wait for the unfamiliar person to catch up. A young girl walks or runs, up to me carrying a huge camera. "Hi! I'm Sadie,  um I was wondering if I could interview you?" My eyebrows rasie but I nod anyway. "You wanna do the interview at my dorm, it would be easier?" She nods and I show her the way. She's very talk-a-tive and chats with me the whole .Turns out she is a big fan of One Direction, and wants to interview me to see what it was like being one of their girlfriends, she even knows we broke up.

  I turn the knob and almost scream, Zayn is waiting patiently for me in my room. "Oh wait! I'm starving Sadie can we go to Starbucks or something?" She looks at me confusedly but nods, "Didn't you just go to starbucks with Danielle?" I nod, "But I'm still hungry! Lemme just get something from here, you just wait outside." I go in without letting her see the inside and lock the door. "Zayn why are you here? You scared the crap out of me!" He chuckles and gives me a bug hug, "I missed you!!" I smile and remember the girl. "I have a fan outside that can't know your here! I'm gonna go to starbucks with her really quick and then we can hang out! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming!" He laughs but gives me a quick kiss and pushes me to the door. "Dont be to long!" I nod and walk out, Sadie looks at me questiongly. "I had to get some more money." I lie, she  accepts the answer and we walk to starbucks once again.

The Interview!!

So what was it like to be a girlfriend of One Direction?

It was pretty amazing, Zayn was the most perfecct boyfriend I could ask for!

Did he spoil you?

Most definitely! Everytime he was away on tour and such, I would get random presents from where in the world he was at then!

How many dates did you two go on?

Well he took me on a date every time he visited me! So about 10 or so.

Why did you guys break up?

Well I was getting a lot of hate from all the "fans" and also we just didn't see each other often enough. It just wasn't working out.

Wow. That's awful!!  So there was a rumor that you were in love with Louis before you were in love with Zayn? Confirm or deny?

Erm... Confirm. I mean Louis and I grew up together and I had fallen for him before he left for the X-Factor. And when he came back my feelings just flew sky-high. So i told Lou I was in love with him and well he told me he loved Eleanor. So I was heartbroken and that night Zayn came over and told me he was in love and well he mended my broken heart.

Wow! You are so lucky! Do you still hang out with the lads?

Ya like I said I've been friends with Lou since we were kids! So nothing has changed there, and I am really close to Harry, Liam and Niall. Obviously things with Zayn are a little awkward but we talked it out and things are fine now! They actually came and visited me here last weekend!

Really?! I wish I could Have met them!

Ya. That would have been cool! Well I have to go, but it was nice talking to you!

I go out of the seat and chunk my hot chocalate in the trash. A young man wearing some  TIGHT sweat pants, a superman t-shirt, a huge coat, a snapback and some girly golden rimmed sunglasses is watching me through the window. Oh my I could never guess who that is, especially since they're wearing MY clothes! "Someone is being really creepy.." Sadie has wide eyes and is staring at Zayn who looks like a mad-man. "Ya that's one o my friends. They're a real weirdo. Gotta go though." I smile at her quickly but then rush out of the building and smack Zayn in the back of the head.

"Owwwwww!" I roll my eyes and glare at him beforre pulling him in the direction of my dorm. A lot of people stare at us as we walk by, mostly because Zayn looks absolutely ridiculous. He smiles and waves at all of them in return. Why was he ever labeled as the shy and mysterious one of One Direction? We finally arrive at my dorm and I slam the door before looking at him.

"What in the world is wrong with you? I told you to stay here Zayn!" He pouts and i almost apologize, the key word being almost. "I was bored and you were taking to long!" He whines and takes off the snapback and sunglasses. "So you raided my closet?" He chuckles and takes off his shirt and pants, and dang he is fit. "Maybeeeeeeeeee." I chuckle this time and watch him put on his shirt and jeans. "Much better, those clothes looks much better on you." He winks at me and then puts a hand on his hip, before modeling his clothes for me. "Where did you learn how to strut like that Zayn?" He raises his eyebrows at me. "I have sisters ya know?" I giggle and he walks over towards me. He stands right in front of me, and I have to look up since I'm sitting in the computer chair. He then grins at me and proceeds to sit in my lap. He wraps his arms around my neck and tucks his feet in, and snuggles his face in my neck. "Zayn what are you doing?" He grabs my arms and wraps them around his waist. "I wanna cuddle!" I giggle and feel  his lips  curl up in a smile also, since he has his face pressed up in my neck, not that I'm complaining. "Shouldn't this be the other way around? And wanna move to the bed, I'm afraid we're going to break my chair!" He quickly stands up and picks me up then puts us on the bed. "Much better." He says when were all cuddled up.

"Much much better." He laughs and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes with a sudden tiredness overwhelming me. "Night beautiful, I love you." And with that, I fall aleep.

A/N- HIIIIIIII GUISEEE! Soooooo I have no idea............. Have a nice day though!!

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