Life part 1

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Well hi, my name is y/n, and welcome to my I'm a 17-year-old  loser a loner people even might say and my worst enemy is Dina yeah the girl that dates brad..... I have a crush on Sydney since I was 14 she never notices me and that's probably because I never went up to her and probably never will well let get to the story.


"Och!" Watch where your going nerd haha." said brad as he walked away with his stupid friends. "Ugh, now my back hurts..." I said as I walked to the bathroom...I did my business and started to wash my hands but only to get pushed on the ground  "WHAT THE HELL DINA" I yelled "what did you say to me?" she asked as she stood with the cheerleaders "I said what the hell " I said as I got up from the floor but to get punched in the face "girls lets teach her some manners" Dina said as she and the girl started punching and kicking.

TIME SKIPPP BY BRAD~(sorry for all the skips lol)

The girls left laughing out of the bathroom as they just got done beating me up, "ugh this is worst than last time" I said as I got up and washed my face with my hands. ~, see the thing is Dina is a fake she acts nice to the ones she needs things out of and the ones she doesn't she shows her true self too as you can tell she doesn't need me but she needs Sydney so Sydney never sees this side but I wish she did because while she's fangirling she gets played.~  I thought as I got my backpack and ran out of the bathroom with a black eye, busted lip, and cut cheek.

I have to walk because last time Dina broke my bike to my luck it was raining "ugh grate just grate....." I said as I began walking to my house when I was at my door I saw Dina walking Sydney ~hmpf I hate her~ I thought as I walked into my house to see my dad passed out on the couch with a bottle in his hand ~ As you see my mom die and my dad could not bear that so he started drinking my dad isn't a bad person when he sober but when he not all hell get broken lose.~ I locked the door quietly and tiptoed to my room and I lay on my bed staring  into space.


(so this is m first book I wanted to make my own because I hated when people make books and don't finish them so I'm going to post every day i hope you like this book)

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