Hospital tragedy 5

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I run crying it hurt so bad I look around the corner to spot a hospital "Fuck there's one" I said as I run through the door "HELP " I screamed getting the attention of passing by doctors and then everything when dark.


I wake up to see a shining light in my face "Ugh what happened" I ask to hear a door open "oh you awake!" I look to see a doctor "ugh my eye hurts" I said as I touch my eye only to touch a bandage "oh don't touch that" the doctor says "What happened?" I asked looking at her "oh well you came in with your eye bleeding and then you passed out we took a loo to find out you got glass in you but you did pull it out and you weren't supposed to do that you passed out from the loss of blood" she said 


"WHY ARE YOU *hick up* HOME LATE " he yelled I could tell he was drunk cause he had a bottle in his hands and slurring his words " Dad I got caught up by some friends and it was raining and-" I was cut off by a bottle being thrown at my head I dodged it just enough but got hit in the eye with glass "FUCK WHAT THE HELL DAD," I said crying from the pain "t-that's *hick up* what you *hick up* get now go to your-r room NOW," he said walking to the couch as I cried I ran to my and shut the door as I cried in pain I have to see if there's glass in my eye I thought as I looked in the mirror and sure enough there was a piece of glass in the eye SHIT I thought I got to pull it out I grabbed the glass and counted "one *breath* two *breath* THREE FUCK" I yelled as I pulled it out to see blood gushing out the shit I need to get to the hospital as I ran out the door to go to the nearest hospital.

(end of flashback)

"Hello," the doctor asked while waving her hand in my face "oh sorry I have a question," I said "go ask dear," she said while looking at me "Can I see out of m eye, and how long does it need to heal and how long was I out for," I said as a barred her with questions "well you injured your eye badly so sadly no you will not and it takes 3 days and you where out for a week" she said as I started to cry "oh no dear don't cry it ok " she said looking at me with eyes of pity "C-can I leave today?" I said as I sniffed "yes you can but we have to run a few test to see if you blood level is good" she said looking at me "okay" I replied sadly


I said thank you to the doctors as i left the door with my pain meds in my right hand as I walked down my block I see my friends Stanley, Sydney, and Marsala. "OMG what happened" Marsala said as she looked at my bandage eye "My dad.." I replied quietly "What did he do and why where you gone for so long I thought you died we when to your house and yo dad said he did not know where you went ." Sydney said full of worry "YEAH" Stanley said as he looked at me "Well my dad was drunk and got mad at me for being late and throwed a glass bottle at me and a piece went in my eye and I had to go the the hospital then I passed out at the hospital and was out there for a week and they helped my eye but now I'm b-blind in my eye and I got some meds that I have to take" I said as I cried they all look shock then hugged me "Where's your dad!!" Marsala said as she back away "NO Marcy your gonna get hurt "NO FUCK THAT WHERE IS HE?" Sydney said as she back away with Stanley "YEAH WHERE IS HE " Stanley said as they walk to my house banging on the door "Wait for me" I said as I run to them. Then the door open and the was my dad with a bottle in his hand "w-what d-do you want!" my dad yelled....


(So yeah here's this chapter more drama yay hope you like the book so far byeeeeee readers)

(770 words)

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