Cops 7

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("Okay then show us your PoWeRs," I said sarcastically. she took a breath and closed her eyes then a FUCKING TREE GOT TORN OUT THE GROUND.

"WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK," Marsala said while looking at the tree drop to on the ground while I stood there in shock-.


"sShhhhhh," Sydney and Stanley said looking at me. "So that time in the bathroom when Dina slammed into the wall, that was you,..." Marsala said.

"Yes," Sydney said replied.

"DINA GOT SLAMMED INTO THE WALL," I said still shocked.

"SHHHHHHH" Sydney and Stanley said again. " Yeah she did you fainted " Then red and blue lights were able to be seen near my house.

"OH FUCK". ...... ")

We ran to my house and we hid behind a bush near the house by. We confirmed that there were a lot of cops. "Okay so what we're going to do is act like we just got here then answer questions like we know NOTHING. Got that? NOTHING." Sydney said as we nodded .

"Nothing" I said ".

"okay Okay, now go" she said as we all got up from the bush to act like we were walking

"Hey , where are you guys heading?" a cop said looking at us .

"Oh we were dropping our friend Y/N off at her house" said Sydney.

"yeah" Marsala and stanley said agreed.

"Wait this is my house, WHAT HAPPENED?" I said acting , acting innocent and unknowing.

"Oh well, sorry ma'am we found your relative dead on the ground , the wall was busted open," the cop said looking at Y/n with sad eyes.

I looked at him and started crying. I did not know that he was dead. I just thought he passed out or something but that hit me hard even though he was an abusive drunk. He was the only parent I had left, the only person that was there.


I felt like trash since I was the one who killed him. I let my emotions get the best of me and I killed him- . then I felt something wet and cold go down my face. I was crying then I looked looked to see everyone was crying even the cop was tearing up.

"C-Can I see him?" Y/N said while looking at the cop he nodded and escored Y/N into the ambulance.....


(I know this was short but the best I could do in the time I have right now I hope you enjoy this book so far)

(Edited by:

Sydney x Fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now