Chapter 11: Tipped over the edge

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Remus was sweating profusely as he cleaned the entire home, watching how David and Lily teased him by very slowly eating food in front of him. Remus felt the drool form in the corner of his mouth that he repeatedly wiped away. This pleased them both. He was allowed none as he "didn't deserve food." He was used to this and went about his business as usual. Remus returned to his room; his untidy clothes partly translucent due to sweat dripping down his body. He took off his shirt and laid down on the floor, cooling off with his eyes closed to block the light, laying on his back with his hands wrapped around his head, not aware Betelgeuse was there. Betelgeuse's hair went purple as he got a close look at the kid's frightening number of scars. The identical ones at the bottom of Remus's chest he recognised as top surgery, and the rest were definitely from the quantity of abuse going on. His front was covered with scratches and bruises, and there were even some lines down his wrist that were certainly from him. Betelgeuse sighed unhappily as he examined the wounds on his own wrists, alerting Remus to his presence. 

"Hello BJ. Can I help?"

"I'm fine, thank you!" Remus patted the spot next to him and motioned for Betelgeuse to join him, which he did.

"You know, you're a lot braver than I am!" Betelgeuse congratulated


"As a kid, I couldn't even look at my scars. They made me feel so humiliated." Until Remus embraced him, Betelgeuse's hair turned a darker purple.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of! Each scar shows how resilient you must be to have made it through such a challenging time!"

"I never considered it in that light!"

"Every cloud may not have a silver lining, but there is usually one!" Remus's cheesy remark made Betelgeuse laugh as he ruffled his hair.

"You'd think that as a demon, I'd have some special abilities."

"Really? So, why don't you?"

"Well, my mother is a 'female dog' who decided to punish me for adopting breathers as family by killing a younger version of me, kidnapping this me, and suppressing my powers. I am also supposed to be seen by people who are strange and unusual but not anymore because of mom so I am really confused as to why YOU can see ME!"

"Holy Satan! She IS a female dog! I'll assist you in regaining your abilities!"

"You-you're willing to do that?"

"Yeah! That's why we have pals! To help us!" Betelgeuse's hair turned orange as he clung to Remus and thanked him profusely. Betelgeuse retrieved The Handbook for the Recently Deceased from his pockets and opened it, attempting to recall something Adam and Delia had taught him. However, his mind became blank, and he was astonished that tumbleweed did not blow across the room. He gazed nervously at Remus, with pink hair.

"Would-would you read it? I-I can't. "

"Sure! What do your hair colours indicate, by the way?" Remus took the book from his hands and inquired. Remus readily remembered the colours after Betelgeuse explained them. "Beej,775,000,000 people are illiterate! There's no reason to be ashamed! C'mere" He hugged the demon as he said this.

"Thank you for your assistance, Rem!" Remus answered, "No problem," before turning his head towards his door as his name was called. He took a step forward and got his white turned grey top on.

"I've got to go, but I'll be back. I'm needed for a task." the demon nodded as he walked out of his room, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with any more abuse from his foster parents.

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