chapter twenty

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chapter twenty - the results [ll]
authors note : from wilheminas pov


"Ms. Venable. Wonderful to see you."

"You as well." Wilhemina lied through her teeth, taking a seat across from Michael.

"Listen, I know we haven't exactly gotten along very well during my time here, but I'd like to apologize."

"For?" She tilted her head.

"The way I've acted, it was truly cruel. I just hope we can put it behind us, there is need for us to be adversaries."

"It's settled then." She forced a fake smile and nodded.

"Tell me about y/n."

"What would I know about her? I don't spend my time trying to get to know people here, they're all imbeciles." Talking down on you made her feel guilty.

"There's no need to lie Ms. Venable, I know the two of you are particularly close."

She inhaled and tugged her ear.

"Yes, me and Ms. y/l/n are acquaintances, but we are not 'close'."

"Again with the lying. I know everything, you two are humping like bunnies."

"I hardly find this appropriate Mr. Langdon. I would just like to receive the information I came here to hear and then be on my way."

"Of course."

She inhaled.

"You aren't coming to the Sanctuary, I'm sincerely sorry Ms. Venable."

'Fuck.' Was all Wilhemina could think to herself.

"Thank you." Her voice trembled as she exited the room.

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