That Day

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"Be a boy not a man"

he says

"Then you'll be able to do the things I can"

he paused

"wait you're a loser"

he laughed

"never mind"

he leaves

that day

as visible as a turtle on a purple curtain

I stood as people around me stared

and then

burst into laughter

that day

I ran away

holding my sorrows in

stopping the tears from falling

tucking in my chin

that day

you just watched me leave

I saw you out of the corner of my eye

calmly smoking a cigarette

watching the world

you the owner, it the pet

that day

that day I promised myself

that day I closed my emotions

that day I wore a mask, one of indifference

that day I assimilated

that day I became one of them

unfeeling, mocking, faking

that day

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