School Time: Math Edition

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There are a few things you should know
about the subject called math, you see
From algebra to trigonometry
If you like it enough, to calculus we go

One, gotta follow the rules
Get it right in PEMDAS
parenthesis with the brackets
to subtraction, basics down

Two, use a ruler properly
Excuse me?
That's 7.98 centimeters, not inches
It's the other side—reading is key

Three, a calculator is your best friend
a machine precise, accurate, and never bends
takes calculations that'll take you hours
minutes or even seconds to execute

Four those people who leave
these essential tools at home
It can be a sink or swim
when a test comes up

Sometimes it really is like rocket science
from asymptotes to binomials to harmonics
On a scale of one to five
how fried is your brain? Still alive?

From individual work
to groups of six,
the problems can be difficult
math and I just don't mix
maybe for you,
it's an easy fix

It's alright to sleep in class
Sometimes fighting your drooping lids
is a struggle, I get that
Last subject of the day can be a drag

Math teachers can be a hit or miss
Maybe out of every 10,
there are only a few
that are passionate and you'll listen to

Take it
an enjoyment or a necessity
Mathematics, a classic subject
It makes some very wary

Challenge No. 9
Write a poem about math.

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