Chapter 1: New Info

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-Dream POV-

Dream and Sapnap hurriedly followed Niki as she led them to a back office. As Sapnap shut the door behind them, Niki pushed a bookcase to the side. The bookcase, which was on wheels, had been blocking the entrance to a secret room where Niki did all her work. She hurried to the desk where a pile of folders was stacked. Grabbing a backpack off the ground by the table she shoved all the files inside. She ripped some paper out of a nearby notebook and scribbled some information down on the paper.

"You have to get out of here right now" Niki ordered as she hurriedly shoved the paper into the bag and zipped it shut. Handing it to Sapnap who slung it over his shoulder, she ushered them both out of the room.

"A detective on the case has reason to suspect that the target may have been here prior to his death so they'll be here soon. At least that's what Minx told me" Niki says as she pulls the bookshelf shut.

"Of Shit" That was the only thing Sapnap could say as Dream helped Niki securely place the bookcase back where it originally stood. Niki then led both men out of the room and towards a back exit.

"Be careful Niki" Dream said as they walked out into the sun.

"You know I always am" She responded with a smile before closing the door. Dream and Sapnap decided to travel via rooftop. They scaled the side of a building, using ledges to boost themselves up. They reached the top and took a breather. Sapnap reshouldered the backpack as Dream put his mask back upon his face.

"You reckon Niki will be ok?" Sapnap asked as they started running.

"Of Course. She's always been amazing at her job and I trust her" Dream responded as he leaped over an alley.

"This Techno dude is really good at what he does," Sapnap stated as they made their way over another alley. Dream simply hummed in response and the conversation was dropped.

These were the moments that made Dream feel most alive. When he could run and jump freely from buildings without people recognizing him. The wind in his hair and nothing stopping him. Eventually, they made it back to their base where George greeted them.

"Damn, someone's out of breath" George joked as he peered at Sapnap who was trying to catch his breath.

"I guess this is why he's not the boss," George continued with a laugh. He looked at Dream who didn't feel too exhausted, rather, he felt more awake and alive. Dream was too deep in thought to notice George's looks of concern.

"Dream got himself a little crush" Sapnap stated out of the blue, snapping Dream back into reality.

"I do not" Dream responded, and for once, he was glad he had a mask to hide the heat rising to his face.

"Wait what?!" George exclaimed, dumbfounded. As Sapnap started to explain Dream's infatuation with Techno, Dream simply held out his hand for the backpack. Sapnap handed it over and continued his story. Dream shouldered the bag and started to walk into the base. He passed some of his members, Punz and Antfrost, as he made his way to his office. He greets them with a quick wave in which they return. He walked into his office and shuts the door behind him before collapsing on his chair. It had been a long day but Dream had new targets to determine. Zipping open the bag, he sighed as he looked at all the files. He grabbed the slip of paper that Niki had hurriedly written and read it.

Upon it, it read:

Dawn Frost

Female; 41

Single Mother of 1


Abuses her son

-Techno POV-

Techno anxiously tapped his fingers on his bouncing leg as Wilbur followed the other two officers. He could honestly say that he slightly admired this killer's work. They were quick and efficient and left no evidence behind. Feeling the car slow down, he looked out the window and saw them driving through a quiet neighborhood. They stopped at a fairly decent sized house and Techno heard Wilbur turn off the engine.

"Are you ok?" Wilbur asked Techno who hummed and continued to bounce his leg. Wilbur placed a hand on the bouncing leg, snapping Techno out of his thoughts. Techno looked over at Wilbur and gave him a reassuring smile before stepping out of the vehicle. Wilbur followed suit and soon they stood with the other two officers in front of the house. Wilbur approached the house first with Techno following next. He gave the door two brisk knocks. A couple seconds passed before the sound of the door being unlocked was heard.

"Detective Wilbur Soot," he stated when the door was opened. He held up his badge before placing it back in his pocket.

"This is Detective, and Officer, Techno Blade. We are here concerning your husband" the woman who had opened the door seemed to shrink back slightly, almost as if she was attempting to hide behind the door. "We are looking for Mrs. Coke"

"That's me," She responded, finally saying something.

"Ma'am, if we may, we'd like to come in and have a quick chat" Wilbur politely asked, making it a point to not further scare the woman into hiding. She nodded before opening the door further, allowing them to enter. She shut the door behind them and led them to a living room where Techno and Wilbur sat down across from Mrs. Coke.

"M'am, I'm sorry to have to report this but your husband was found dead this morning. His body was found in an alley, a victim of a killer" Wilbur regretfully stated, taking off his beanie and looking down as a sign of respect. The woman nodded slowly before taking a deep breath. Tears could be seen filling her eyes before she stuffed her face into her hands. Wilbur reached a hand out to comfort her before she looked up again, tears falling down her smiling face.

"T-that basterd's finally dead. I'm finally free" she whispered, laughing a little, confusing Wilbur and the officers. This only helped strengthen Techno and his theory.

"If we may ask," Wilbur started, "would you be able to answer some questions."

The women nodded as she let out another chuckle, "Ask away"


"Did your husband ever harm you?" Techno asked, interrupting Wilbur. Wilbur gave Techno a "wtf" look before returning his attention back to Mrs. Coke.

"I'm sorry about my colleague's rudeness. You don't have to-" Wilbur apologized before being interrupted again.

"It's alright. I understand that he doesn't want to stall any longer. To answer your question, I was sold into this marriage when I was younger. Daniel had always been controlling and he had power over me. I've been meaning to get away eventually but even with him dead, it seems his words still linger. I must ask you all to leave now for he does not like unplanned guests. The house is a mess and I must get to cleaning" Mrs. Coke stated, further confusing them. To Techno, it seemed like the women had started to go delirious and were suffering from some sort of mental illness. He made a mental note to make sure she got the proper medical care. The detectives, along with the officers, were ushered out of the building and a door was shut in their faces after a quick bye.

"I'll try to get a warrant to search the building," Wilbur stated as they started to walk away. Techno was deep in thought at this point. The woman seems to have been manipulated her entire life by Daniel Coke, the victim; but in this case, could he really be considered the victim. Much like the previous death, the close family member had been harmed by the "victim."

As Techno got into the passenger seat, he gained a newfound respect for the killer, or rather, the group of killers. They only seemed to target the bad people of society who have caused others lots of pain. Techno decided to just refer to them as a mafia rather than a group of killers. A mafia sounded much more civilized. As they made their way to their next location, Techno determined that he was going to get to the bottom of this case. 

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