Proposing to their s/o

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The photo is official Osomatsu-san art.

S/o is gender neutral so you can imagine yourself as them (totally not made that way on purpose).

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

- honestly he wouldn't do anything special
- mans would probably propose drunk
- "HeyYY, <name> yOu look... hoT as hELL! Do you LikE, waNna get mArriEd-??"
- he wouldn't even have a ring or anything
- if s/o says yes he'd cling onto them and cry from happiness
- if it's a no he'd throw himself on the floor and cry like a baby (y'know, waving his arms and legs and all)

- you already know he'd overdo it
- only the best for his beloved
- a romantic dinner under candle light, most likely on a hill with a wonderful view
- a bouquet of red roses mixed with s/o's favorite flower
- he gets on one knee and reveals a diamond ring (dunno how tf he got it but who gives a fuck at this point)
- "<name>, my darling, will you do me the honor of accompanying me for the rest of my life as my wife/husband/partner?"
- if yes, he'd happily put the ring on s/o's finger and kiss them while crying from happiness
- if no, he'd just stay there frozen, not knowing what to do

- not too much, not too little
- took s/o on a little date ( probably to the cinema) and ended it off with stargazing
- after some time he gets on one knee and reveals a silver ring
- mans was fuckin nervous and almost fell on the ground
- "<n-n-name> will you marry m-me..?"
- he's looking away while waiting for the answer
- if yes, he'd happily put the ring on s/o's finger while crying from happiness
- if no, he starts crying and most likely runs away

- nothing special
- he took s/o to a walk around town to play with some cats
- s/o is about to enter their house at the end of the date and he stops them
- he takes out a cat themed ring and looks down
- "<name>, I know I'm trash and you'll probably say no but... Will you marry me?"
- instant regret
- if yes, he wouldn't believe it at first but after some convincing he'd most likely start crying from happiness and hug s/o
- if no, he'd put the ring in his pocket
- "Oh... I knew you wouldn't want to anyway." and he sadly walks away, swallowing his tears

- okay this man
- he just waltzed in s/o's house uninvited
- s/o comes to him and greets him properly
- mans just pulls out a ring pop out of nowhere
- if yes, he'd put the ring pop on s/o's finger and hug them then twirl them around while giggling
- if no he'd just walk out of the house, sad on the inside but wouldn't show it

- he'd take s/o shopping and slowly hint at it
- "Ooh, <name> look at that wedding dress/tuxedo over there! I think it would suit you well!"
- would ask them to try some on
- at the end he'd take s/o to a small dinner and walk them home
- "Ne, <name>-chan? If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?"
- if yes, he'd take out a golden ring and get on one knee "Then, <name>-chan, will you marry me?"
- s/o says yes and he hugs them, happily giggling
- if no, he'd just go blank and say: "Oh, okay." and pretend it never happened

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