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The photo is official Osomatsu-san art.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

- okay so he doesn't really care about the pose while cuddling
- s/o asks for cuddles, yes BUT when he gets drunk he would just cling onto them and whine he wants to cuddle
- "I wAnt cUddLeSsSss, <name>!!! Why don't you *hic* lOve mEeEeEeE???"
- can last from 10 minutes up to a whole day, depends on how he feels
- would cuddle only in private, except for when he's drunk

- you know this man is always the big spoon
- but he prefers face to face because then he can see his beautiful angel's face
- s/o is usually the one that asks for cuddles
- "Anything for my Karamatsu angel~!"
- cuddles usually last for about an hour or two
- he keeps whispering cheesy stuff in s/o's ear and you know it
- he likes to cuddle but is too afraid to ask lmao
- cuddles s/o anytime, anywhere, they just gotta ask

- likes being small spoon but says he wants to be big spoon
- he sometimes asks for cuddles but gets really shy about it
- "Uhm, so... <name> d-do you mind if we... uhm... cuddle?"
- all blushy and he loves it when s/o plays with his hair
- cuddles are short but frequent
- as much as he enjoys it, he tries to keep it to a minimum and only in private
- turns out he can't help it and runs back to s/o for more because he can't get enough

- would never ask for cuddles ( okay, maybe like once or twice)
- he likes having his head in s/o's lap like a little kitty
- too nervous to say anything, really
- a small blush is always there, you just can't see it
- he likes it when s/o pets his head and/or plays with his hair
- sometimes he'd take s/o's hand and just hold it or play with their fingers like it's a cat paw
- cuddles are always private
- when? Any time you're alone, really

- okay let's get one thing straight, he's too energetic to cuddle
- BUT for the sake of these headcanons let's imagine he can be calm
- no one really asks for cuddles, Jyushi just comes up to s/o and hugs them which leads to a cuddle session
- doesn't care about the position, but still likes being the big spoon (makes him feel strong and powerful like a knight protecting his princess)
- always giggling and just being overall adorable
- public or private he'd cuddle the shit out of s/o

- both him and s/o ask for cuddles
- he likes having his head on s/o's stomach or chest
- hugs s/o around their waist and just rests like that for some time
- doesn't like spooning
- sometimes makes small chats or even vents his problems to s/o (we all know it's his brothers' fault)
- would cuddle only one or two times a week (more if s/o wants that)
- usually for a few hours

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