Their reaction to s/o confessing

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Art belongs to: ebimoji3 on Twitter

Requested by: morgan_el_cato
"the matsunos reacting to how s/o confesses his love to them (I imagined s/o knows them for being Totoko'a friend)"

Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

- at first he laughs it off as a joke but after he sees s/o is serious he'd stare blankly
- he did not expect s/o to confess to him
- "M-Me?! Are you sure you're not... ya know, mistaking?"
- he looks around for no reason and then points to himself
- s/o? Confessing to him of all people??
- he must be dreaming
- he'd be somewhat overwhelmed considering no one has ever liked him that way before
- if he's being honest he thinks he doesn't even meet s/o's standards
- a few moments pass and he hugs s/o, giving them a rather sloppy kiss on the lips
- he'd probably want to make out on the spot but he contains himself for now

- he's stiff as a board
- his sunglasses go crooked and almost fall off while he's blushing (he's as red as a cherry let me tell you)
- at first he doesn't even know how to respond because he thinks it's a joke
- "Wait, me?! Are you serious-?? I-I mean, *cough* of course you'd like me, my dearest Karamatsu Angel!! I must say I feel the same way about you, my darling!!"
- he fixes his sunglasses and tries to keep his cool
- he's overwhelmed since he rarely has someone actually care for him overall (even his brothers hate him like--)
- after he cools off and gains his composure again he grabs s/o by the waist, pulls them in and looks them straight in the eyes
- "May I?"
- he leans in and...
- you can imagine what happens next ;)))

- he's baffled
- just stares for a couple of minutes, blinking
- an extremely emotional reaction in 3... 2... 1...
- he hugs himself and starts twirling around, blushing
- his happiness meter has gone through the roof
- he starts fangirling all over s/o
- he'd start crying too (happy tears, don't worry)
- would stop for a moment to just stare at s/o and then go back to fangirling
- this goes on for quite a few minutes,,
- he then proceeds to take a hold of both s/o's hands
- he stares in their eyes and doesn't know what to do after that
- he's just so happy

- okay so this man
- trust me when I tell you he just stares
- he is so surprised he has no idea what to say or do
- after what feels like hours he finally reacts
- he slams his head against nearest hard surface there is (whether it's a wall, tree or just the ground itself)
- he collects himself and turns to s/o with a dead serious look
- "There's no way you're serious... Why the hell would you like a trash like me?"
- s/o proceeds to explain everything
- he's still in shock
- someone like them liking a trash like him?? If this is a dream he doesn't want to wake up ever again
- he's madly blushing and he slowly takes s/o's hands in his
- he froze again
- help him please he might die on the spot

- he stops whatever he's doing and looks at s/o
- "Eh? Really?"
- s/o confirms it and his smile just grows wider
- he tears up slightly but he doesn't actually cry
- he starts laughing
- oh, but he's not making fun of s/o, quite the contrary
- he picks them up with ease and hugs them, twirling them around in place
- he's always happy but this? This is completely different
- he's been close to having a girlfriend before so he'll treasure this confession for as long as he lives, hoping s/o won't leave like she did
- finally, he places s/o down and gives them a sloppy kiss on the cheek
- but he doesn't let go of the hug
- he wants to enjoy the moment some more, just leave him be

- he'd pretend like he already knew
- "Of course you like me! I am the cutest brother after all! Ehe~!"
- he'd do a cute pose and a little peace sign
- he then considers that it could be a joke and stops
- puts on his serious face and grabs s/o lightly by the shoulders
- "Wait, this isn't a joke, is it?"
- s/o would confirm that they indeed are serious
- this makes him very happy and he gains back his confidence
- he takes out his phone and takes a selfie with s/o
- he posts the photo on every social media he has and makes sure everyone knows, especially his brothers
- he'd give s/o a kiss on the cheek and a hug, then take their hand in his and ask what they want to do
- he's already planning on going to a first date, yes
- secretly hoping s/o chooses shopping or a café date (or anything that would make his brothers jealous)

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