Chapter 1 - Souless, pencil dick

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Rose raised her head as Sage walked into the break room, carrying two Starbucks coffees. "How are you feeling today, gorgeous?" Sage asked, setting the drinks down.

"I'm okay," Rose replied, "just didn't sleep well, so I look like Death."

Sage wrapped her arms around Rose, giving her a gentle hug. "What's going on, ladies?" Daniel asked, entering the room.

They both turned to see Daniel standing in the doorway. "If it's Sage's hair, I can confirm that you look like a Smurf."

Sage sighed. "Why don't you mind your own business, little Danny. And my hair looks fab and you know it." She flicked her pastel blue locks.

"Oh piss off, Jessica," he spat.

Sage merely raised an eyebrow and began clicking her black acrylic nails against the table. She blew a large pink bubble, her eyes staring him down as the loud pop of her gum resonated throughout the room. He murmered a curse and stormed off.

"Man, he's such a pencil dick. Like I give a shit if he calls me by my human name." Sage popped another bubble before leaning in close. "All jokes aside, be careful around him."

"Why?" Rose asked.

Sage hummed in thought. "I can't quite put my finger on it. He just feels.. wrong. It's like he has a messed up soul, or doesnt have one."

Rose playfully pushed her friend's shoulder. "That's creepy as hell!"

"I'm serious."

A loud whistle caused both girls to jump.

Daniel smirked at their reactions. "Rose, your nine o'clock is here."

Sage gently pushed a thought into Rose's head. "Souless, pencil dick."

Sage threw her head back and laughed at her own joke, causing Daniel to flip her off.

"Naw, come on now. What was that for?" Sage teased.

He shrugged. "Not entirety sure, just felt the urge."

Rose coughed to cover up a laugh. She maneuvered around Daniel and glanced back. "I'll leave you two love birds alone."

"If love is wanting to a claw someone's eyes out, then I'm absolutely smitten." Sage batted her eyelashes.

Daniel grinned. "Likewise, bitchface."

"Ohh, I love it when you talk dirty."

He hummed in response. "Of course you do, all whores love dirty talk."

Rose released a nervous laugh. "And that's my cue to exit." She closed the door behind her, muffling their voices.

Her client was waiting patiently in one of the shops large gothic chairs.

She smiled and waved. "Just a moment, Karl, I'll be right with you."

He smiled and nodded as she passed him to prep her equipment. She paused as an all too familiar feeling suddenly washed over her.

She bolted through the back room and out into the alley behind the parlour. She pressed a handkerchief firmly against her mouth as violent coughs wracked her body.

When they finally stopped, she stuffed the bloodied cloth back into her pocket and took deep breaths. She pulled out her phone and studied the symbol on the screen. Returning her phone to her pocket she returing inside to wash up and attened to Karl.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's finish your protective charm piece today," Rose announced.

"Sounds good," Karl replied.

"Any issues with the ink?" She asked, as she brushed her fingers along his white tattoo.

"Nope, it's working well. That spell my crazy ex cast on me has basically worn off. Now I'm only slightly nautious when I see someone attractive."

She smiled as she fired up her tattoo gun. "I'm glad to hear it."

"You know," he started, as Rose got to work, "she really changed after her Awakening Ritual - and I'm not talking about suddenly gaining powers or changing her name. It's like she totally lost it and went bat-shit crazy."

Rose hummed in agreement. "I've heard stories about Witches and Warlocks going off the rails after their Awakening. It's not common, but it does happen."

"Such a shame." he sighed. "How about you, any hiccups afterwards?"

"I've still got all my marbles if that's what you mean," she joked. "But it did take me a few years before I could pull off the ritual. Finally got there on my third try."

"It took me two attempts before I passed, so I know what you mean." He admitted, before turning to seemingly inspect the tattoo designs lining the wall. "So uh, is Sage working today?"

"She is," Rose confirmed, "You finally going to ask her out? I'll finish your tattoo today, so it's your last chance."

He rubbed his neck. "Come on, Rose, do me a solid and hook us up. She's so cute, she makes me nervous."

She laughed. "Alright, look, if you promise to leave me a great review, I'll pass on your number. No guarantees she'll call you, but I'll put in a good word."

"Deal," he agreed.

Daniel watched their exchange from the counter with his teeth clenched. He grabbed his cigarettes before storming out the back into the alley.

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