Chapter 5 - I can do anything I want with you

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"Your first contract belongs to Nicolas Mitchels," Marcus announced.

"Where are we?" Rose asked, as she approached the floor-to-ceiling windows, Hunter trailing closely behind.

He glanced up from his laptop. "Melbourne."

Hunter yawned loudly, filling the momentary silence. "Anyway," he continued, "Nicolas has enjoyed the past 20 years in luxury. Power, money, women, men, anything you can think of, he's had plenty."

"How did we get here?" She asked.

"Teleported," he answered quickly. "As I was saying, as of 11 o'clock tonight, his time is officially up."

Rose started walking around the room. "Woah, is this a penthouse suite!?"

"Yep," he replied.

She disappeared around the corner. "This bathroom is friggen huge!"

"For fuck sake," he snapped, "would you pay attention!"

She returned with a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

His eyebrow twitched. "Try to ignore all the shiny things and just focus."

She shot him an unimpressed look.

He sighed. "Can I continue?"

She took a seat on the sofa. "Go ahead."

"Our target, Nicolas, sold his soul for an unlimited cash supply for 20 years."

"Not a bad deal," she admitted.

"People have sold it for a lot less. I think the worst deal I've ever struck was for a bag of coke."

She released a humourless laugh. "That's just sad."

"This guy is different," he warned. "He's smart. There's no way this is going smoothly tonight."

"Ok, so what's the plan?"

"Since this will be your first recovery, I'll go with you. But it's your job to take care of him."

"Take care of him, as in-" she slid her index finger against her throat, earning her a nod. "Oh."

He pointed at Hunter. "We'll be going to a nightclub so Fluffy will have to stay here."

Hunter released a grumble before doing a few circles and lying down.

"Get changed," he continued. "There's a black dress in the master bedroom and some coloured contact lenses."

She did as instructed and after almost poking her eyes out, returned in the outfit. Marcus had changed into a fresh suit and was looking very sharp.

"You're not wearing the lenses?" He asked. "You can't walk around like that."

"You do," she countered.

"Humans see what I want them to."

She shrugged. "I tried but they wouldn't stay in. If anyone asks, I'll just say I'm wearing coloured lenses."


She opened her mouth to argue but before she could get a word out, she was lying flat on her back, pinned to the sofa.

"Wha-" He cupped his large hand over her mouth and shushed her. As he straddled her, his other hand inched closer to her eye, the contact on his finger. She closed her eyes but felt one forced open before she snapped it shut again. The same thing happened to the other eye.

"Done," he announced.

She opened her eyes and he was grinning down at her.

She frowned at him.

"Problem solved," he said.

"You could have asked me," she snapped.

"I don't have to do anything. I can do anything I want with you."

Her mouth parted at his matter-of-fact tone. She noticed his eyes watching her lips before he leaned down and gave her a quick, soft kiss.

"To quote every single dominant male from a steamy Werewolf novel, you belong to me," he stated.

"How many have you read?" She teased, ignoring his claim.

He ran his thumb over her lip as his other hand started to trail down her chest.

"Ok, ok. I understand," she panted, "but you said we have a job to do."

He flashed her a smirk. "I suppose you're right." He slowly got off her and sat on the sofa.

She sat up and looked over at Hunter to see he was staring at them.

"So," she started, breaking the silence, "this dress is nice, but what's up with the long sleeves?"

Marcus had retrieved his laptop and was typing away, he stopped to look at her. "Nicolas isn't into tatts, so keep them hidden."

"Is there any chance I can change shoes?" She pointed at her white heels. "I'm almost certain I'm going to break my ankle wearing these."

He shook his head. "If you break your ankle it'll heal in a few seconds anyway."

"That's.. an extremely weird answer," she stated.

"Facts are facts, my dear." He closed his laptop. "Let's move."

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