Chapter 2 - The truth is gross, Milady

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"Who the fuck does that bitch think she is!?" Daniel's voice was practically a growl as he paced the alleyway. He inhaled sharply at the sight of his raw, bloody knuckles.

"Fuck," he spat. He took another drag of his cigarette and leaned against the wall. How was it that he'd endured countless rejections, and yet Rose was just whoring it up with a client right in front of him?

He pulled out his phone and started scrolling. Her Instagram page still had the usual crap; tattoos, her dog, selfies with Sage, more stupid dog photos.

With a loud creak, the parlour door opened and Rose stuck her head out. "Daniel, your client just arrived."

He flashed her a smile and hid his bloodied hand. "Ok, thanks. I'll be right in."

"Hey," he added, halting her retreat, "how's your fur baby doing?"

"Hunters great. I'm really sorry he growled at you, such a naughty boy."

He shrugged. "I get it. Lots of rescue dogs aren't great with men. I'd love to try and win him over."

"Sounds entertaining," she admitted. "We'll be at the cafe again, same time on Saturday, if you want to give it a shot?"

"Challenge accepted." He smiled.

"See you there," she said, before closing the door.

His gaze returned to his phone to stare at her smiling face.


"Did Daniel try smoozing up to you again today?" Sage asked, while making grabbing gestures at Rose's chest. "Seriously, that boy is rocking a constant boner."

"Sage, ew," Rose replied.

Sage grinned. "The truth is gross, Milady."

Rose made a shooing motion with her hand. "He gave me some advice so I kind of owe him. I told him he could meet Hunter and me at the same cafe on Saturday."

"Firstly," Sage started, "why the fuck are you going to that creeper for advice instead of me? Secondly, pretty sure he's a stalker and running into him at the park wasn't an accident. And thirdly, I hope Hunter-saurus bites his boner off."

Rose cracked up. "God I love you."

"Love you too, but seriously, I don't want you hanging out with him alone!"

"Hunter will be there, so technically not alone."

Sage raised her hand as though she were going to backhand her. "So help me I will hit you with my ring hand."

Rose squealed and dodged past her. "I'll be at the park this afternoon if you're keen to join?"

"Sorry, lovely. I have a date with-"

"With Karl?" Rose grinned.

"That's the one. Look, I know you said he's a great guy, but I'm kind of worried my weirdness will scare him off."

"You're weirdness is what he's attracted to," Rose confirmed.

"What about my creepy but cute vibe?"

"That too. You're like a scruffy street cat; big wild eyes, and a whole lotta love to give."

"Awww," Sage cooed as she wrapped her in a bear hug.

"Ow, my bones," Rose squeaked.

Sage released her but kept her hands on her shoulders. "Just be careful, ok? Promise me you'll keep an eye out when you're alone. And call me if you need me to bail you out."

Rose smiled. "I promise."

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