Chapter 4 - See, that wasn't so bad

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"Look, I'll be honest, this is going to suck," Marcus declared.

When Rose didn't move he beckoned her with his hand. "Come on. It'll be over quickly."

"Is it really painful?" She asked.

He raised an eyebrow "This is what you want, right?"


"Then pain shouldn't matter."

When she didn't move he sighed dramatically and muttered something. She blinked and was surprised to see that he had shifted back to his original form.

"Would you mind?" He gestured towards Hunter, who was still standing in front of her.

She petted his head. "It's ok, go to your bed."

As soon as Hunter complied, she felt her heart in her throat, like she was on a wild rollercoaster ride, and the next thing she knew she was in her bathroom.

"Sorry in advance for the mess."

Was the last thing she heard.


Rose awoke to her whole body shivering violently.

Her teeth chattering, she opened her mouth to speak, but something pressed against her quivering lips.

"Easy, little lady. We're nearly done."

Her vision was blurred but she recognised Marcus' voice.

She squinted against the brightness of the room and could make out his shape standing above her. As her vision focused, she could see he had his arm outstretched over her.

She flinched as something dripped onto her skin. Her teeth chattered loudly as she felt a hand rest on her head.

"I ca-can't m-mo-ve," she gasped.

"It's ok, the paralysis is only temporary. Not much longer now," he promised.

She stared up the ceiling and started trying to wiggle her toes. A few minutes passed and she exhaled in relief as her big toe moved. Another few minutes ticked by and Marcus finally helped her sit up.

"The Binding ritual is complete," He confirmed. "Congrats for surviving."

As her vision cleared, she watched as a small cut over her heart closed. The flesh was skilfully knitting together leaving behind smooth skin.

"You stabbed me in the heart?" She choked.

"Yep. I did a lot more than that, I had to drain all of your blood and replace it with mine."

She looked down at the bathtub she was in and gasped.

"I did say I was sorry for the mess," he reminded her.

"Holy shit," She whispered. "So much.. blood."

"See, that wasn't so bad," he exclaimed.

A loud growl suddenly echoed throughout the bathroom.

Marcus sighed. "She's fine!"

She felt a wet nose bump against her hand followed by a bumpy tongue.

"I'm ok." She stroked Hunter's head. "At least, I think I am."

"You're better than ok. No more pain, right?"

She stopped for a moment before humming in agreement. "To be honest.. I feel pretty amazing."

She looked down at the bathtub again and made a grabby gesture with her hands. "Ok, get me out of the murder bath, please."

Marcus scooped her up and placed her on her feet. He looked in the mirror above the sink and ruffled his hair. "Huh, my hair is darker."

He turned to her and helped her approach the mirror. "It's part of the exchange," he explained. "I got off easy this time, check out what I inherited last time." He rolled up his shirt, revealing a black and white tattoo sleeve.

She touched his arm. "Wow, old school. They're very well done."

"Yeah I guess, but they're punk tattoos. Do I look like a bloody punk to you?"

"Well yeah.. you have punk tattoos." She grinned.

"Ladies and Gents, we have ourseleves a Comedian."

"What's different about me?" She asked.

"Looks like you have my eyes."

She leaned in close to the mirror, immediately captivated by the stunning colours. The iris was golden with specks of brown. "I have to admit, they're really pretty."

"I know. You're welcome, my little Messor demon." He clapped his hands together. "Alright, we need to leave, we have an appointment."

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