Chapter 6 - You can be his baby

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The loud music was pulsating and people were swaying and grinding up against each other shamelessly. The room reeked of alcohol, mixed with the scent of sweat and perfume. The lights were flickering and smoke encircled the room giving it an eerie vibe.

Rose rubbed her eyes as the lights continued to flicker on and off. She leaned in close to Marcus and cupped her hand against his ear. "Aren't we a little overdressed for a rave?"

He pointed towards a neon VIP sign towards the back. "We're going in there."

A young man wearing an expensive looking suit strolled past them with an attractive woman on each arm. The trio approached the large bouncer stationed at the door and after a quick glance he ushered them through.

"How?" She asked him.

"I've got it covered."

As they approached the door, Marcus snaked his arm around her waist. She shot him a questionable look and he grinned. They stopped at the entrance and the bouncer eye-balled them for a few moments before stepping aside.

Walking along the corridor, Rose turned to him. "How did you do that?"

"It wasn't magic, if that's what you're asking. It was this." He pointed to a silver pin on his suit collar.

"A wolf?"

"It's a sign of membership," he confirmed.

The hallway lead to an open room with dim lighting. There was a lengthy stage in the middle with four poles, each occupied by a woman dancing seductively to the music. There were some men seated below the stage flashing cash to the ladies, and others were sitting in booths.

"You head to the bar and lure him over," Marcus instructed.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Flash him a wink?" He suggested.

She huffed. "Trashy."

"Good point, he likes classy birds. Alright, he's looking this way, I need to disappear before he thinks we're together."

Before she could say a word, Marcus was beelining for the stage.

She approached the bar and had a brief chat with the bartender. Stirring her drink with a straw she muttered under her breath, "I still don't know how I'm supposed to get his attention,"

"He's coming your way".

Rose flinched, spilling her drink.

"Pull it together, Princess." Marcus' deep voice echoed in her mind.

"Fuck you very much." She pushed back. "Cut me some slack."

"Oh, don't be a baby," he complained.

"Heeeey, baby." She felt the stranger rest his hand on her shoulder.

"I take that back, you can be his baby."

She frowned. "I already hate you so much."

The man touching her was having trouble standing. His suit had a wet patch on the front and his tie was creased and hanging loosely around his neck.

"Whatt's yor naame?" The man was so drunk he was barely coherent.

"This guy is so wasted." She pushed the thought to Marcus.

"This might actually help lure Nicolas over."

She forced a shy laugh as she removed his hand. She could see Nicolas out of the corner of her eye, he was watching the exchange.

"My name is Natalie. Sir, I believe you've had too much to drink."

The drunken man's smile widened as he leaned forward and stared at her cleavage. "C'monn baaby, I'm fiinne. Lemmie buy yoou a driink."

Nicolas grasped the man on the shoulder. "Hey Mike, I see you've met my friend. Sorry to interrupt, I actually promised I'd show her how to play pool."

Mike squinted at Nicolas as thought trying to get his intoxicated brain to work. Nicolas flashed him a smile and Mike's eyes widened in recognition.

"S..oorry, Boss," Mike replied as he stumbled away, nearly tripping over his own feet.

Nicolas turned towards her. "I apologise for his inappropriate behaviour. Michael is actually quite the gentleman when he isn't drunk." He flashed her a smile and extended his hand. "Nicolas."

She smiled and gently took his hand. "Natalie. It's lovely to meet you."

"Score," Marcus cheered. "Now, you have about an hour before the Devoro Ghoul comes for his ass. Good luck."

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