1- Too Cool For School

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My mother always tell me to close the door because the music in my bedroom is always loud, but I always lock it, just in case she wants to come in. In the magazines, my life is the most perfect of all. My mother is a famous top model and recently we had to move to a house with more gates and security since the paparazzi doesn't leave us alone, they didn't even ask for permission, they just walked inside the house like if it was theirs.

In front of everyone, my relationship with my mother is perfect, no fights, we understand each other and she is not prettier than me. But reality is the opposite of all that, we fight all the time, we don't even talk anymore and every time I bring a guy who is supposedly my boyfriend end up liking my mother instead.

She is the sensation of the moment, the light of the party, and I'm the daughter, and still she asks me why I'm such a pessimistic.

Okay, maybe I can be a little dramatic, spending the whole day on my room, eating like a pig and burning the calories by dancing and screaming the song lyrics at the top of my lungs, but right now music is the only escape I have from the hole I'm in.

Something cracks the door, I realized it was a bat breaking the door by the center. Then my mom comes in by the hole she made.

-"Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?" I come off the bed.

"Well, I screamed at you, you didn't listen to me" My mom makes her way inside of my room and stand in front of me

"We need to talk, can you turn the music down?" She screams

-"What? I can't hear you" I could perfectly hear her but nothing good comes after "we need to talk"

She asks me again to turn it down, I roll my eyes and turn it down at the same time

-"Too bad I don't feel like talking" I put my earphones on so I wouldn't listen to her

"Well, too bad because I want to talk" She takes my earphones away from me

"What do you need mother". "Well after this summer, your last year of school starts...". "So what" My mother is predictable but this time I was clueless.

"Let me finish... I was thinking that maybe you should go to an actual school, meet friends, a guy". "Mom, I don't need friends, I'm happy with my life, and I did have boyfriends in the past, they just don't stay long enough" And we both knew the reason why

"Everyone need friends and those guys were blind, they didn't see the amazing you" Really are you going to start with that crap again "Maybe you are the blind one, there's not amazing me, just me... Can you please get the fuck out? I take the earphones from her hands and throw myself to bed

"Well I don't care you are going to an actual school, more like a boarding school" I open my eyes when I heard the word boarding

"Did you say boarding? Hell no I refer die that live with kids" I'm not going there- I say

"Then I don't have a choice... you are going to live with your aunt Lucy in Canada" She needs to work on better ideas

"With that crazy lady that talks with her dead cat thinking that he is still alive"- I say

"Well either that or going to boarding school, it right here in London, you can come here in weekends"-Mom says

"Mom that's like asking me do you prefer be killed with a gun or cut your head off"- I say

"Try it out, if you don't like we find another way"- Mom says

"Okay fine I'll try it just one day if I don't like it I'm coming back to homeschooling"

I knew I was going to regret this later, I don't know why but I just don't like people, but if my mother wants me to go, I'll better go

I ate for dinner a whole box of cereal with chocolate milk and then went to my bedroom to re-watch Nikita again one of my favorite shows. That was the last thing I remember from last night.


The stupid alarm clock wakes me up, my mom should have set it up yesterday. I hate waking up at 5 o'clock just to go to a school that I won't go to anymore.

My mother has already pack me like 5 bags, the ones I could count, the music of my car turns on when I start my car. My mom covers her eyes just by the fact that it's loud and says bad words. I put the address on the GPS to drive us to the school. The school looks huge, and silence... until we walk inside. I told my mom to go first because I have to park my car.

As I walk to my car I see three guys sitting on top of it.

"Hey get the fuck away from my car" the three of them look at me.

"Calm down , we were just looking at this beauty" He points out the car

"Get away from it, that's like my son".

"We prefer call her a girl"

"For me is a boy, now get out , I don't have time for your shit"

"Are you new here?" He stand up and I walk toward my car

"Only for today, I'm not coming to this stupid school"

"And what make your school so special?"

"There are not assholes like you"

"I'm Luke, I love to be an asshole"

"I'm Nicole, I am a bitch" I get inside the car, and start it, Luke is in front of me and I drive toward him, before parking my car in the right place.

"Hey don't kill me, there are still girls dreaming about being with me, don't crash their dreams"

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