35- Family Is Not Always Blood

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-Mom how much time does that photoshoot is gonna take?- I talk to my mom on the phone

-They say it's going to be at least another hour honey , is Lucy there yet?- Mom asks like Lucy could resolve all my problems

-I need to talk to you about something important, so I need you to come home today because I'm leaving for school tonight- I tell her

-Okay, I'll be there I promise, but if you need anything else just ask Lucy- Mom suggests

-Lucy is like four years older than me mom but okay, just come home before tonight okay- I say

-I'll be there, I have to go now, take care baby- Mom says before hanging up

-I'm not a baby!- I yell to myself

I come down to the living room and find Toby and Izzy watching the TV.

-Oh!, Rosie called, she's coming this way to tell us about her amazing date with Mike- Izzy says

-Good, Lucy hasn't come yet right?- I ask Izzy and she shakes her head

-Great so that means I have to take out the trash- I complain

After taking out the trash, I walk all the way to the kitchen since my stomach was feeling hungry again. Suddenly I start hearing the branches moving from the backyard tallest tree, which was the one I always used when I was around ten years old to sneak out of the house, now I use the front door since I don't really care what my mother thinks. I get out into the patio and look up to spot Luke snooping around through my bedroom window.

-What the hell are you doing? Get down Luke!!!- I yell

-Trust me that's what I'm trying to figure out an hour ago- Luke yells back

-Just get down Luke- I say bringing him the stairs

-Now what were you doing up there? No... What I want to know is what you are doing in my house when I told you I didn't want to see you anymore- I say after he touches the ground

-I talked to my mom and I fixed everything with her- Luke explains

-Great!! Now what are you doing here?- I ask

-Well, I fixed things with my mother, now I want to fix things with you... I promised I won't assume from now on- Luke promises

-Why were you up there?- I ask

-I was going to get out of my car when I saw Caleb walking inside your house, so I got closer and look through the window and I heard when you offer him to go upstairs to your room, I thought he was going to say yes, so I hurried up and went to the backyard, climbed the tree to look through your window and I got stuck there- Luke explains

-So what happened with I won't assume anymore?- I ask

-What? That happened an hour ago, I told I won't assume from now on... The promise is still valid- Luke says

-Well I guess you didn't hear anything of what Caleb said?- I ask

-No, what?- He asks

-He said he's leaving to America for an audition, that there are not hard feelings and you can still be part of the band- I say

-That's it, he didn't tell you anything else?- He asks

-No, no, just that- I lie

-Oh okay- He sounds relieved

-Something I should know?- I give him a chance

-No, nothing else.... Can I come in?- He asks

-I actually have to talk to my mom about something important, you have to go- I say when I hear the front door open and my mother's voice

-Well can we talk in school?- He insists

-Luke, I really don't want to talk to you about anything, and there is no way we will ever work, we don't trust each other, in fact we can even stand each other... I really have to go- I say leaving hanging and close the back door

-How I'm supposed to get out?- He ask

-Same way you got in, figure it out- I say locking the door and walking to the living room

-Mom- I call her

-Hey, darling!! Tell me what you need to talk to me about?- She asks

-Can we go upstairs?- I ask so Toby won't hear us, I don't want to get his hopes up for nothing

-Honey, you're scared me... aww!! Please don't tell you are pregnant.... Omg!! What are we going to do? You are still too young. Who's the father?... You know what it doesn't matter, I'm with you, we are going to go through this together, we don't need him or anyone else, I just want you to know that you have my support, no matter what you choose- She makes a scene

-Mom, thanks a lot, but I'm not pregnant, can we go upstairs so I can explain things to you- I roll my eyes

-Oh okay, ufff!! 'Cause I'm too young to be a grandmother- She says

We walk upstairs to my room and I close the door behind us.

-I lied about Toby... he's not Rosie's brother, he's actually lived in the streets... I was just supposed to help him for a few days but he has really grow on me- I explain

- What?! You don't like kids, you had say it and demonstrate it a millions of time- Mom says

-I know it's just happened... but that's not what I wanted to tell you... you know that sooner or later I have to send him to the authorities and I don't want that, I know this is huge but I was wondering if we could legally adopt him- I say

-Nicole you can't just ask me that and you had him for all this time that's going to complicate things even more- Mom says

- I know, that's why I want to act quickly as possible, I promised him I wouldn't send him to foster care- I explain

-Can I at least have some days to think about this?- She asks

-Of course, you can even spend more time with him, so you guys get to know each other.... Mom... I know this is out of the blue but I promise you he's a good kid who had an unlucky life and just wants a family and a place to call home- I say

-Hey, you might not be pregnant but you still brought me kid to the house!- I say and we laugh

-I'm going to school now, I won't tell him anything until you make a decision- I say

-Leave Toby here, I want to spend time with him- Mom smiles

-Okay, I'll tell him- I smile back before leaving the room

When I walk downstairs, I spot Izzy and Toby still watching TV.

-Toby, Izzy and I are going back to school, stay here with mom- I say

-Why?- He asks

-Because it's better than being hiding, here you have a TV, an actual bed and air conditioner, and if anything just ask my mom, we are leaving now- I say picking up some things I needed to get back to the school

-But can I call you if I don't feel comfortable?- He asks

-Yes you can, see you- I say before leaving the house

Izzy follows me to the car and then we get in. I tell her everything on the way to school, she was very excited about it. When we arrive she quickly tells Rosie, who had a lot to tell us about her date with Mike.

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