57- Sober

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Song: Sober by Cheat Codes ft. Nikki Romero

When we hear our name, we begin to scream, jump and hug each other. Luke and I forget for a second we aren't in good terms right now and we are about to hug but awkwardly look in other direction before the hug actually happened.

We get off the stage after receiving the trophy and we meet the others backstage.

-Well, Well, congratulations!!- Leo opens his arms to hug me and I hug him back

-Congratulations Luke!!- Charlotte does the same to Luke and he hugs her back

-Okay, let's get that after party started where is it going to be?- Leo asks and lets me go

-No worries, we would take you and everything is on us, so enjoy your afternoon, a driver would pick you up at 9- A staff member informs us

-Well, let's get ready then- Zoe says

When the time arrived, a limousine comes to pick us up and it takes us to a night club. When we get out of the car, we see a long line to get in, but one of the coordinators from the competition comes out and talks to the bodyguard to let us in.

Once we are inside, he tells us we can do and drink whatever we want because it's already paid for.

-Ready to get wild?!- Izzy turns to Theo

-Actually I have never frequented places like this, and I have certain never gone wild- Theo seriously says and we all laugh

-Oh c'mom Theo, loosen up, the party is just getting started- Leo says

-It's awesome that they let Theo, Leo and me to come along with you guys, after all, we are not part of the group- Charlotte says

-I'm going to the bar and get some drinks-Leo says

-I'll go with you, I'm thirsty, too- Charlotte smirks before going with him

-Why is he always interested in women related to me? He's so annoying- Luke protests

-Whoa! I don't really hear jealousy anywhere in that sentence, it's more like dissatisfaction- I tell him

-Jealousy, why would I be jealous? She's my childhood friend, I know her since forever, I don't like her that- Luke says

-Oh Luke, are you really telling me there is one girl you let escape from your claws?- I ask him

-I just see her more of a sister than a woman... and why do you care so much what our relationship status is? I have a feeling you are the one who is jealous... Nicole- Luke says

-Well, Rosie and I are going to the dance floor, Theo, Izzy, are you guys coming along?- Mike asks

-I want to go to, too, let's go Lee- Zoe says

-Sure, let's go- Izzy holds Theo's wrist

-But, I don't know how to dance- Theo says

-Don't worry, I'll teach you- Izzy drags Theo to the dance floor

When everyone leaves, I realize that it would be really awkward if I just stay standing there.

-I'm going to the bar- I say

-Wait! You haven't answer my question, Nicole, are you jealous?- He asks

-I don't know what game are you trying to play, Luke because you are the one mad at me, why do you care what I feel or don't- I say

-I don't, just a question- He says

I make my way to the bar and notice Charlotte and Leo laughing nonstop. I have a feeling, they are getting drunk already.

-Can I help you with anything?- The bartender asks

-Give me something really strong- I say

-You got it- The bartender begins to make the drink

-What's wrong? Want to forget something?- Luke appears behind me

-Bloody hell, what do you want now?- I ask

-I want the same drink as you- He says

When the bartender brings our drink, Luke sits next to me to drink his and we are both in silence. We keep taking drinks to not talk to each other. After five drinks, I decide it is enough, I don't really want to get drunk, if there's one thing I hate is not being in control of my actions.

-Actually... I do care- Luke says

-You care about what?- I turn my head around to face him

-If you are jealous or not... I want to know if you care about me- Luke says

-You're drunk aren't you?- I ask him since I don't think he will say this if he was completely conscious

-Maybe a little bit...- He laughs

-Then why are you still mad at me?- I ask

I know asking him while he's not fully conscious is a little bit selfish, but maybe this is the only way to find out what he really feels.

-I do hate the fact that you couldn't believe me, but then again it's not like I had been truthful all the time- He says

-You know my reasons but you are still mad at me?- I ask

-I don't know, I just hate the fact that you didn't and that you are still around Leo and you didn't stop me when I walked away- He says

-Well, I'm really sorry about all of it, I did want to believe you but I didn't want to be wrong, and when I heard Maddison's conversation, I felt bad that I didn't and kissed Leo to hurt you... but I have no feelings for him and he's know it and he seems to not care either since he's just sliding his tongue into Charlotte's mouth- I turn to Leo and Charlotte who are about to eat each other alive

-You know, we could be them right now- Luke quickly turns his head to see them and then looks back at me

-Uhm? I don't think so, you might regret it tomorrow- I say

-I might regret everything I told you, too but that's tomorrow, it's way far away from today- He leans to kiss me but I stay in the same position

He gets closer until his lips touch mine. My hands wrap around his neck and I try to put him closer to me. We are almost out of breath, so we pull away from each other for a quick moment.

-Do you want to get out here?- He asks

-Let's go- I go down from chair and wait for him to do the same


We open the door from the hotel room and he kicks it to close it after we are inside. He takes off his clothes while still kissing me and we move closer to the bed until we fall on top of it. I switch places with him and now I'm on top. He seats down with me still on top of him to unzipped my dress.

-We are so going to regret this in the morning- I say and we both chuckle before kissing and falling on the bed again

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