16- The Unlogic Partnership

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I stay outside waiting for Luke and listen to what they are saying.
-I know you might not want to talk about this, but I was there and I just want you to know there is nothing wrong with being a virgin, not because you are a guy doesn't mean you can't be one- Mr. Collins states
-I'm sorry virgin you said?- Luke laughs
-Luke, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I know it was just first time with Nicole, I only wanted to ask you to protect yourself and if you love her you will protect her, too, you know what I mean- Mr. Collins explains
-Okay I'm not understanding anything, virgin? First time? Nicole? Protection?... I lost my virginity long time ago and it was definitely wasn't with Nicole, I get laid every single day- Luke says
-I know that's what you think you supposed to do, be with all the girls, act tough, but you don't have to and if your friends judge you then they are not your friends- Mr. Collins says
-Who told you this?- Luke asks and before Mr. Collins could answer I walk in
-Luke, we have to do the assignment let's go- I hold his arm and take him out of the classwork
-Can you explain me why he thinks I lost my virginity with you? And why do you want to do the assignment with me?- Luke pulls his arm away from me and stops walking
-For question number 1 it was just a white lie and for question number 2 I don't want to do it with you but I need to back up answer number 1- I reply
-I don't know what game are you playing but if that lie spreads around the school, you are 100% dead- Luke says
-Don't worry, it's not like I want people to know I even considered to sleep with you in the first place- I say
-You wish- Luke starts smiling again
-I'm gonna go now, I have more important things to do than seeing you smile- I leave and walk straight back to my room
Izzy and Rosie are sitting in my bed, I guess they want an explanation
-I can't still figure out why in the hell you teamed up with Luke- Izzy says without looking at me, when she finally does, her eyes stare at me like I just committed murder.
-Yeah, last time you told me, I shouldn't make the mistake of dating him, but you can do projects with him- Rosie states, she seems mad but not even half of what I would be if my friend tells to stay away from someone and then starts hanging out with him
-I have a really good explanation- I pause for a moment but they just stay there waiting for me to continue
-Izzy, remember Toby?- I ask and she nods but Rosie looks confused
-Who's Toby?- Rosie looks at both of us
-He is a kid, he doesn't have a home and now I'm taking care of him... But my mom came back and I had to take him out of the house and brought him here, but I couldn't have him here either, so Toby found a place close to here where he can stay, but it's located in a forbidden zone, students from this school can't go in there...- I start explaining myself
-What does Toby has to do with Luke?- Izzy asks
-I'm trying to get there but you don't let me!!- I tell her with attitude and she lets me continue
-So, when I was there in the forbidden zone, Mr. Collins saw me and I told him I was with Luke helping him lose his virginity- I continue and Izzy's eyes open wide while Rosie starts imagining it
-Luke was there? Losing his virginity to you? How could you?- Rosie adds
-No, idiot, do you actually think Luke was a virgin.... You need to stop living in your fantasy world and come back to reality- Izzy states
-I prefer to tell Mr. Collins that than tell him I got a kid, I knew that I could get in trouble for my lie but it was better than losing Toby if I would have tell him the truth- I end my explanation
-But why you have to team up with Luke?- Rosie keeps asking questions
-Because if she is with Luke most of the time, she can control what he says to the teacher... And why they shouldn't work together if they supposedly slept together just hours ago?- Izzy responds Rosie's questions telling her exactly what I was thinking
-Isa... Did you read my mind?- I ask, I can't believe she knows what I think
-Girl, I think like you, we are the same, just in different bodies- Izzy smiles
-So Luke is still virgin- Rosie says
-Of course not Rosie have you met him?- I make her realize the truth
Rosie looks disappointed mostly because she is.
I hear a knock at the door, while Izzy tries to take the idea of Luke being a good guy from Rosie's mind, I walk toward the door to open it. Mike appears in front of me to tell me we have to meet up to rehearse. I totally forgot about the dance team.
-So are you coming to rehearse? Ms.Lily already gave me a date for the competition, it will be on Wednesday at 4 pm- Mike informs me
-That's two days from now!!- I get alarmed, after all we don't even have a choreography
-Where is Rosie by the way?- Mike tries to look inside the bedroom but I close the door a little bit more and cover the rest with my body
-In the clouds- I roll my eyes thinking how smart Rosie is but loses her mind when it comes to Luke
-What?- Mike asks
-Don't worry about it, I'll make sure she gets down from there, see you in the gym, fifteen minutes- I say and close the door without letting him respond
I start freaking about, I have only two days and I don't know the requirements, I don't have the music or the choreography. I thought about calling my mom for help but I'm too proud for that, I'll better do it myself, but if there is one thing for sure, I'm not going to lose.
-Izzy are you still up for the dance team- I ask Isa as I go upstairs to change into something more fresh and comfortable.
-Count me in- Isa says and walks toward the stairs
-If you need any help I'm here, I promise I won't tell anything to Maddison- Rosie assures me as I walk downstairs
-I just want to see Maddison's face when I win and she realizes that she is not the one ruling anymore, I'm going to make sure that no one follows her lead instead they'll follower their own- I tell them as I walk toward the door, but before I could get out Luke, who is standing in front of it makes me stop.

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