48- Heating It Up

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I open my eyes to the light of the sun. But even though I didn't like it before, the fact that I'm back home makes me love it now. I try to leave all the the negative thoughts behind and only focus on the positive. If I start thinking about my life, I'll probably end up even messier than I'm already are.

-Let's see how Leo is doing before heading to class- I suggest

-I actually have to go to class early to make up a test, see you there?- Izzy asks

-Yeah, I'll see you in a minute- I say before heading out the door and to the cafetria

- How is it going, Lion?- I rest my arm on the counter while he was placing everything in the right place before the people come in.

-Well I haven't spill anything yet, I passed that test, now the real test begins when all those little monsters start coming- Leo breathes out

-Are you calling me monster by any chance?- I ask

-You are the queen of them all- He jokes

-I'll murder you- I laugh

Luke walks inside the cafeteria and stands next to me but without acknowledging my presence or at least he pretended not to.

-I want a ham and cheese sandwich, add it bacon and a strawberry smoothie- Luke orders

-Oh! Sure thing... I guess people don't have matters here- He turns around to prepare the smoothie and the moment turns into an awkward silence. After a while Leo comes back with everything he asked

-Wait?! I feel like I know you from somewhere... Oh right! el gilipollas (the douchebag), tu ex-novio verdad? (Your ex-boyfriend right?) - Leo asks me in Spanish so Luke wouldn't understand, and indeed he was very curious

-What is he saying?- He surprisingly turns to me for an answer

-Oh he's saying you look like a Brazilian model he took a picture of- I make eye contact but quickly pull away

He leaves after the answer and seats to the first table he sees.

-A model? Really? Please, if he's a model, then I'm a demigod.... Anyways, you seem a little down, is everything okay?- Leo notices what I hadn't

-I just found something about my dad... I just found out he's not my dad, and that my actual dad is one of my teachers who has been around me while knowing the truth- I explain to Leo

-What?! Who's your father?!- Izzy asks

-Uhh!! Mr.Collins!!!- Rosie guesses but has the right answer

-Rosie, why don't you scream it a little bit louder so everyone can hear it?- I tell her but the one I didn't want it to find out seems like he already heard, although he pretended not to once I look in his direction

He stands up from the chair, throws the leftovers in the trash and walks out.

-Oh shoot!!!- Rosie notices Luke

-Okay, after class, let's go make a new choreography, maybe like that you will ease your mind- Izzy suggests

-You guys have a dance group.... do you think I can see you?- Leo asks

-It's actually in lunch time- Rosie says

-I have a ten minutes break, that should do, when do you guys meet?- Leo asks

-Gym- Izzy says

The bell rings and we head back to class. We seat before the Spanish teacher walks in. Once she does, she begins with her lesson. Luke raises his hand and ask her what does gilipollas means, apparently he wasn't satisfied with my answer.

-It's a douchebag - Ms. González answers

-What?!!!!- Luke yells once he realizes what it means

I quickly turn looking at the front and cover my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't burst out laughing

-Mr. Carson please calm down- Ms. González says

I actually understood most of what the teacher taught in the class, thanks to a few things Leo told me back in Spain.

Once we get out of the class, we go straight to the gym. I knew there was a big possibility that Luke might be there, but I hate running away from my problems doesn't matter how much they might bother me.

-The first thing with should do is to look for a catchy new song- Izzy suggests

-Hey guys, I'm here!!- Leo walks inside the gym to join our group

-We're still deciding what song are we going to use, any recommendations?- I ask

-Ohh!!! We can do flamingo- Leo takes my hand, pulls me closer to him and we start dancing

- I wasn't inform we had a new dancer in the team or that we had a meeting- Luke walks in and we instantly stop laughing since his presence ruined the moment

- Oh! Sorry Luke, we forgot- Izzy says sarcastically

- Let's just begin okay?- Mike walks in a few minutes later

-But we don't have a song yet- Rosie walks in Mike's direction

-Shouldn't the people that don't belong in here leave?- Luke asks referring to Leo

-Looks like you got a problem with me, if so, just tell me directly- Leo looks in Luke's direction which he was trying to avoid before

- It's nothing personal mate, it's just this is a rehearsal for the dance team and you are not part of it- Luke says

-I'm sure you know realize what you have lost but it's a bit too late to be jealous when you were the one who fucked up- Leo says and my eyes widen

What could he possibly know to be so sure of his words?

-You told him?!- Luke looks at me but I direct my sight to Leo's direction

-Leo, what are you talking about? what do you know?- I ask him

- Is there a song that says forgive me best friend for having a mouth so big?- Izzy hints

- So we can make a duet- Rosie says revealing that both of them told Leo

-I don't feel like rehearsing today, I'm leaving- I make my way out the door

-Nicole!- I hear Luke's voice but instead I see Leo walking behind me

-I'm sorry, Nicole!- He holds my arm to stop me

-What, Leo? I told you I didn't want to talk about but you were dying to know so you asked my friends and what kind of friends doesn't know how to keep a secret- I yell at him, luckily we are the only ones in the hallway

-Don't blame them, I didn't leave them alone until I got the answer... Nicole, even if they didn't tell me, I would find out anyways by working here, everybody knows it right?- Leo makes a point

-I know, that's why, when I went to Spain, I try to erase that part, we became friends and at least you didn't know about it, so I could start again, I know that's stupid, but the fact that I fell for his tricks makes me feel stupid and at least in front of you I didn't want to look that way- I explain

-I get that... I'm sorry, Nicole, but you know what, I haven't known you for a long time but you seem like someone who will confront her fears, her flaws, her mistakes and all her problems, so he broke your heart, I know you can move on and if you want me to help you out I can do that, I don't care about the consequences- He assures me

-Leo, thanks, you already have done a lot just by reminding me who I am- I tell him

-I meant it if you want to forget about him with someone else- Leo clarifies what he meant

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