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3rd Person

The crisp air hits Ariana's face. Making her tense up and tighten her arms across her chest to keep the cold air away. Her scarf kept close as the wind blew the tassel on the bottom. She takes a deep breath before walking into her boss Harry Styles favorite coffee shop in New York City. She loved the city. It made her feel in touch with her passion. She was meant for the city. She orders Mr. Styles normal, Vanilla Latte with a shot of caramel cream. And her usual a vanilla bean coffee with cream. As she waits for her order, she stands and passes time by looking at her phone.

Ariana has worked for Styles Inc for almost 2 years. And Ariana hated herself for it, but she messed around with her boss a few times. Nothing serious. At least on Mr. Styles behalf. Ariana had fell for him. But she knew having a relationship with the man who paid her every week was just a fantasy. Not to say she didn't enjoy the sex here and there. But Harry wasn't in any rush to take her off the market. The odd part is, Harry promised her that if she looked like she was his girlfriend to his family. He would increase her salary. So of course she didn't pass that up. Getting close to the Styles Family, was great and all. But she hated lying to him. Even her mom believed Harry and Ariana were a thing. They may be friends with benefits, but they were both single. Another young gentleman walked into the coffee shop glancing at Ariana who was on her phone. He smiled at the oblivious brunette who was typing away on her phone. He proceeded to place his coffee order, "Straight, please." He says before handing some cash and continuing. He stood next to Ariana now watching the workers put together the coffee. 

"Ariana." A employee says with a smile. She sits the two coffee cups down. Ariana walks up to the counter to grab them. She mutters her breath as she grabs them quickly. She was going to be  late and Harry would have a fit if his coffee was cold. "Bieber." The same employee says putting Justin's cup of straight black coffee down. And as he try to scoot in the tight squeeze, Ariana being in a rush an not aware of him right next to him. She whipped around and dropped the Vanilla Latte onto to Justin. He glances down at his dress pants and suede shoes. 

"Oh my god." She panics putting her coffee down and grabbing napkins. Before trying to wipe it off Justin. The smearing of the napkin made it worse. He kept quiet as he watches her struggle. "This has to be the worst day ever. I am so sorry." She pleaded. She looks up at him waiting for him to yell at her or say something to her that was rude. But he was quiet and calm, "It's fine." He proceeds to say looking down at his now ruined shoes. She face palms herself, "It's not." She glances down at his ruined suede shoes. "I ruined your shoes."

He chuckles, "Yes you did."

"I am sorry if I ruined your day, truly." She says turning around to grab her cup from the counter. She had no time to re order Harry's coffee, so I guess she was going coffee less today. She go to the door when she realizes the man who she dropped coffee on, walked out behind her. She ignores it as she begins to walk towards Harry's building. 

"Hey." Justin says catching up to her. "You know you owe me a new pair of shoes." He smirks.

"Excuse me." She hisses in disgust. She couldn't decide if she was mad or shocked that he had the audacity to say that to her.

"My shoes. The ones you ruined with your boyfriend's coffee order." He pressed his lips together watching her in awe. He couldn't resist our her dress her body and how her hair was pinned back in a long ponytail. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was.

"I don't have one." She hisses. "And if I keep talking to you, I am going to be late to work." She says trying to walk away to make it to work.

"Interesting." He laughs keeping his coffee tight in his grip to keep his one hand warm. "Well I am sure I will bump into you again." He smiles. "And maybe by then you will have my new suede shoes for me."

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