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Ariana's POV

I don't how I could be so stupid, getting in a car with a stranger who knew of a guy who even I barely knew. I knew I would hear about this night from my dad and Harry. I glanced over at Stefan, "So what do you do for Justin at his office." I stated trying to make small conversation. He chuckles, "I don't work in his office. Actually I am pretty sure he just assigned me to you."

"Excuse me." I spat. What the fuck did that mean. Assigned to him. I am job now?

"Long story, but Mr. Bieber is a very well known man in New York. And now that you are on his list of people that has been seen around him. He wants to ensure your safety. He was going to take you home, but had some other business to attend to."

"So what are you?" I question. "Like a body guard?" I huff. "Because I don't need a body guard. Considering there is nothing going on between Justin and I." I say watching the city in the window.

"Maybe not to you, but Mr. Bieber finds you very.." He trails off. "Appealing. That's why I will be with you at every given moment unless someone else is by your side otherwise."

"What about work?" I ask. "You can't be up my ass at work. Harry will be not be okay with that. You being in his office. And you work for Justin. He will lose his shit."

"I won't set in foot in his building. Look don't worry about the small details. Here's my number, in case you need anything, dangerous or not." He says handing me a small piece of paper before dropping me off at my building. I get out of his car. "Well thank you, I guess." I say itching my head. I shut the door as Stefan sat there in his car, I walk into my building. I get up the stairs to my door. Marie swung the door open, "BITCH." She grabs me and brings me inside. "What happened at the Gala."

"What?" I ask. "How do you know about the Gala drama?"

"Harry came by with a black eye. And he said you were in danger. He wanted to speak to immediately. And everything. I got worried."

"Well I found out there is some tension between Justin and Harry, and they had a full on fight tonight." I say thinking of the events that happened tonight. "And Justin... I don't what he does, but his job is more than just a CEO by the way one of his buddies talk."

Marie plops down on our couch, "Girl, I can't handle your life. Harry and Justin fighting over you."

"Harry got mad that Justin showed interest in me tonight. And technically we aren't together. So I made Justin aware of that." I rub my temples. "Speaking of, I got work in the morning. Let me go to sleep."

"What the fuck." She hisses. "Harry is going to have a bitch fit with you tomorrow."

I smile, "Or fire me. Oh." I say turning to her, "The best part is now Justin has a body guard with me. His name is Stefan."

Marie's mouth dropped in shock. "Bitch you are coming up in the world like, wtf. Okay Miss Grande."


Waking up in the morning. My alarm went off and I clicked to turn it off. Marie lightly knocked on the door. "I know. I know." I groan.

"That's not why I am waking you up. Your hottie bodyguard is here. Or whatever he is."

I furrow my brows finally realizing she meant Stefan was here. How does he know my-

"He said he will be ready whenever you are ready to go to work."

Justin must have told him to be here. I was not going to like this nor get used to this. I quickly applied some base makeup and put some clothes on. I rush out my door heading to the living room to see Stefan sitting on the couch, talking to someone on the phone. With Marie in kitchen raising her eyebrows at me. I shake my head and face palm my forehead.

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