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Ariana's POV

So you are probably wondering about my family. My parents divorced when I was a little girl, the whole who knew what was better for me, all that stupid divorced parent shit. But my dad now traveled for his job. He worked for the FBI. My mom told him, he could visit me whenever he had time which most of the time he was undercover. So seeing him obviously wasn't often even when they were together. He didn't want anyone being seen with him. In case they targeted me. But besides the point, seeing him on my couch. Meant either he was on a mission and stopped by considering the time of night or he just finished and wanted to see before he left.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a shocked tone.

"Good to see you too." He hummed, "I am in town for a while."

"Okay." I smile, "And you decided to stop by my place."

"I know. I know." He says getting up. I walk to him and give him a hug. "I mean come on Dad. If you are undercover. Shouldn't you be not around me."

"Listen, I can't tell you who I am undercover for. But be careful going to the Gala tomorrow." My dad sighs before kissing my forehead. "And I will you soon."

"Wait, how did you know I was going to the Gala." I hum.

"Well I assumed, being you know being Harry's assistant and all." He smiles. "Unless you are staying home. That's even better."

"Not likely dad." I laugh, "But good to see you. And I guess I will see you at the Gala tomorrow." He rolls his eyes, "I love you. But be careful."

"Love you too. Goodnight." I chuckle edging him out the door. I can't escape my parents even if I wanted to.

Marie glanced at me, "What was that about?" She chuckled.

"I don't know. But I am going to bed. I have a big day tomorrow." I say as my phone vibrated from a random number.

I read it, "-J" with a kissy face emoji.

I chuckled at text. I texted back, "Already texting me. I must be special." I laugh walking to my room. He texts right back, "Something like that."

I laid in my bed after what felt like hours of tossing and turning, I fell asleep


Waking up, I notice Justin had texted me again, "Goodmorning." He proceeded with a smiley face emoji. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. That or he was really trying to get in my pants. I sent a "Goodmorning."

Yawning, I really didn't know what to expect tonight at the Gala tonight, but the nervousness in my stomach. Like I am going with Harry as my date, I am sure Justin is going. And then my dad will be in attendance, but undercover. Marie pops out of nowhere. "Oh my god. I am so jealous of you going to the Gala tonight. You will have to give me all the deets with Mr. Sex on Legs."

"His name is Harry, Marie." I laugh. "And I have bigger problems." I roll my eyes thinking about Justin last night. "I went to walk Toulouse last night. And I ran into Tre." I said making Marie looking confused on where I was going. "And Mr. Bieber."

She grins widely, "And please tell me you did more than scare him away."

I shrug with an uneasy look on my face, "We exchanged numbers." She proceeds to squeal. "Don't get excited, he offered me a job." I groan.

"And quit working for Harry." She gasps. "You bitch."

"No." I shake my head, Justin still had no idea about me being Harry's assistant. And I don't how he would react. "I'm not quitting on Harry."

She sighs in relief. "You scared me. Do you at least have an outfit for tonight?" I wave her off, "I got it all secured."


After I wasted the whole day going back and forth about going tonight. That and hearing Marie talk about Harry and Justin. I was surprised Justin didn't text me any more. But it was time to slip on my dress for tonight and do my hair and makeup before Harry showed up to pick me up. And maybe after tonight, we could actually progress our relationship... or not. Because he always makes up some dumb excuse. After slipping on the dress and some black platform heels. I finished my makeup and applied my lipgloss. Puckering my lips in my bathroom mirror. I hear a knock on my bedroom door, peeking around the corner. I see Marie raising her eyebrows seductively. "H is here."

I roll my eyes before shutting the bathroom light and hurrying out my bedroom door. "Hey Harry." I say eyeing him. He looked so good as always, in his all black tux and his hair looking a perfect mix between messy and combed back. "You look-" He trails off staring at me in awe.

"She's beautiful." Marie finished. "You can admit that." She rolls her eyes, as I nudge her. "Stop." I mumble.

"I'm sorry." He says with a light chuckle. "I have been going through a lot of shit these past few days. And trying to do a deal with..." He stops before looking back at me, "You know what it doesn't matter. Let's go." He says getting off the couch. As we walked out the door. I looked over my shoulder at Marie who was air clapping like a little fangirl. I laugh before covering my mouth and following Harry out. As we get into the SUV. He smiles, "I am still beyond grateful you work for me." I blush, "Oh, stop."

"No, seriously. You have been a ride or die for me since the day you became an employee for me. And its my fault that I made things difficult." He sighs. "But to do everything right. I'm going to hit the red carpet. And I will meet up with you at our table." He proceeds to point to Gavin. "He will direct you where to go."

I roll my eyes. I got all dolled up, to sit at a table. This was going to be a long night. I already began regretting coming. Oh wait, I am the assistant, its the only thing I will ever be. I scoff making Harry glance up from his phone.

"Sorry." I cough. "Something in my throat."

I look at my phone to type a message to Marie. But I then get a text up at the top of my phone. "What are you doing later tonight?"

I look up at Harry. Not knowing what to say, I could say. I hated this guilt I feel sitting here with Harry, but also the guilt I felt of knowing Justin didn't know who my boss was. I typed out, "Depends on why you are asking."

As we pull up. I see the flashing lights as Harry steps out of the SUV. I roll my eyes, as the cameras began flashing. The door then shuts back as they pull me around to the other entrance. I grab my purse. I don't why I thought this would be a date. As I began walking into the entrance. I pull out my phone to text Marie on how much of a mistake this was. I sigh as I continue to walk into the table sitting area and see the Mr. Styles guest tag. I take my seat. And looking down my instagram feed. What felt like forever. I heard "Well, Well, Well." I glance up to see Mr. Bieber looking with a big grin on his face. "How funny to run into you here?"

"Well I was dragged here against my will." I huff.

He glances around the table. "Well where's your date?"

I laugh at the thought of me and Harry being anything more than coworkers. "First of all, he's not my date. I work for him." I state.

"Well that's a shame that someone like you doesn't have a date. I would have so made you my d-"

"Justin." I hear Harry say sharply. Justin's attention was no longer on me as he looked up. "Harry. I was just talking to your-"

"My girlfriend." He hisses. Justin raises his eyebrow quickly. "No, I am his assistant." I say in defense. Harry is going to play this game in front of Justin. Harry leans down to whisper in my ear, "Not here." He whispers sternly almost as if I was embarrassing him.

"Well then. I should go." Justin grins at me, "Wouldn't wanna cause an argument between you love birds tonight."

I tried to think of something to say to Justin before he walked too far away for him to hear me. "See you around, J." I hum as I bite my lip at the sight of him turning around. He winked with a grin making me feel better.

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