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Ariana's POV

Harry pushed the door as I followed close behind. I was greeted by Gemma. She pushed right by her brother and hugged me tightly. "I missed you." She squeals.

"Aw." I blush, hugging her back. "I missed you too." She then makes eye contact with her brother, "Harry." She stated.

"Hey, Gemma." He rolls his eyes. "Wheres Mum?" He hums leaving me with Gemma as he looks deeper into the house.

"My brother isn't treating you badly is he?" Gemma squints her eyes, "Because if he is."

I chuckle, "No." I look to watch Harry disappear down the hallway. "He is troubling. But He treats me quite well."

If she only knew, we had been faking our relationship to the whole family. She guides me to the table, "Mum almost has the food ready." She says helping me to the dining room. And there sat Harry's dad. Desmond looking through the newspaper completely ignoring the presence of everyone else. And Harry's grandmother, Linda Styles. I noticed the hatred she was giving off. I smiled softly, "Hi, Linda."

She was silent keeping her stank face at me, "I never asked for you to speak to me, skank."

I told you this witch hated me and for god knows what reason. I have done nothing to Harry nor her. Gemma stepped in, "Nana, stop. Ariana is a good person."

"I don't why my grandson is with her." Linda continues.

Gemma slaps her forehead, "Harry." She shouts, "Get in here before I knock out Nana." She says taking a seat. As I take a seat next to her. I see Anne walk out the kitchen with Harry following behind her, "I hope you like Chicken Alfredo, Ariana." She says setting the big bowl of chicken Alfredo on the table. As well as a house salad bowl.

"Oh, I love any type of Alfredo." I blush. "Thank you Anne."

She winks and smiles, "It's so good to see you again. I was hoping you would walk with a wedding ring tonight." She glances down at my fingers, "But I see my poor son lacks readiness."

I hear Harry sigh at his mother's comment. As Anne takes a seat. We each had a glass of wine and cup of water in front of us as well as an empty plate. "Grab as much as you want. There is plenty."

As everyone begins digging in, I sensed Linda's eyes still giving me death looks but she kept her mouth shut and whenever Harry glanced her way, she looked down at her food. I swear this lady would love to see me dead. I keep to myself for the rest of dinner unless Anne or Gemma spoke to me. Desmond kept to himself. Not bothering anyone. "So Harry, how is being the big bad CEO and all." Gemma says before taking a bite of her Alfredo.

He shrugs with a bunch of food in his mouth, swallowing, "It's like any other day. I am in talks to discuss a business deal with Mr. Bieber."

Anne spits out her drink, "Mr. Bieber, your competitor." She says making Harry eyes widen. "Yes mum. I already spoke with him today. We will be finalizing everything within the next few days."

Gemma laughs under breath, "You're stupid as hell."

Harry glares at his sister as I I'm trying to understand what was going on. Harry had many competitors. So who was this Mr.Bieber. I kept my mouth shut being my nosey self.

Gemma laughs, "Hey, he has a lot of connections." She smirks, "Wish he had my connection."

Anne spoke quickly, "GEMMA ANNE STYLES." She says not believing her ears.

"What." She shrugs, "That man is something. I would always give him the time of the day." She laughs, "And if I were Ariana." she says nudging me. "I would go after him since my brother here she signals her head to her brother, "Takes too long to put a ring on this woman's finger."

I slam my palm on my forehead. I had no idea who they were talking about, but their family issues were not about to involve me.

Harry glares Gemma's way. "You know Gemmy, if you would stop picking out the toxic guys. You would be able to find a man to put a ring on your finger."

She glares back, "At least I don't drag good ones out." She smirks.

Desmond finally slams his hands on the dining room table making the table shake, "That is enough." He shouts.

Gemma quickly takes a sip of her wine, "Whatever." She mumbles getting out her chair and walking to her room.

"Mum, that's my cue." He hisses standing up as well and quickly walking to the front door. I get up as well, "I am so sorry Anne. The food was delicious." I smile.

"It's fine hunny. Gemma and Harry always have to argue about something." She groans pouring more wine into her glass. "I will go talk to him." I say as I follow Harry who was half way to his car.

"Are you going to leave me?" I say jokingly. He turns around with anger, "I can't keep doing this."

I glance at his parents home and back at him, "Doing what?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Every time I bring you around. They ask so many questions. It always ends up, I am too young and I need to marry you now." He sighs, "I care about you, but I am too focused on work right now to settle down and marry. You know this." He says running his fingers through his hair. "If hear a ring or a wedding again. I am going to scream."

"It's fine. I can stop coming around your family." I sat trying to reassure him. His family was a lot. And I could tell he was constantly under a lot of pressure. I was so glad, my family wasn't like that. Sure my dad was strict. But my mom was a complete sweetheart. And my brother, Frankie was loving and crazy at the same time. "Look you can take me home so I can get to bed for work tomorrow." I hum making him break out of a trance of thoughts. "No. No. No" He signals. "Take the day off tomorrow." He nods making me realize he probably won't be in tomorrow. I felt bad for Harry. He always struggled with his family. And I wish I could help him fix it. But I was just this assistant. He heads to his car and starts his car. Making me uncomfortable, he makes me nervous when he's mad.


The ride home was silent. And I was just ready to get home. As I finally get dropped off, I sneak in to see my best friend not home. God knows what she was getting into. Most likely trouble. Thats what she was good for. I ignored and went to my room and went right to sleep.

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