At least she went out with a bang!

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Ana considered herself to be a witty, independent and feisty individual. So, when she encountered the nastiest thugs she had ever met in her life, she never imagined to end up in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. And when she said ditch, she literally meant DITCH. How come she was lying almost unconscious in this freaking ditch? Well, the reason was simple: it was her being so freaking stubborn. Her dad had warned her time after time.

"Ana, you shouldn't be so stubborn. It could get you in big trouble one day, dear."

And of course, Ana being Ana, did not listen to her dad's advice. If only she had followed everyone's advice... but she hadn't. So, now here she was in this ditch. At the moment, she was tasting the blood in her mouth, her head felt like it was about to explode, the ache so throbbing as if someone had hit her on her head with a brick.

Wait! Someone did hit her head with said brick! Yup, it was one of those thugs who had done it. The other one jabbed her hard on her chin and she also felt blood trickling, or was it pouring, out of her knife wound on her right thigh. Damn it! At that moment, Ana really regretted not listening to her dad.

As a sigh escaped her torn, bloody lips, Ana also felt an unbearable pain at her left rib cage. What happened there again? Oh, yes! The first thug had kicked her at that particular spot, when she was lying on the gallery's cold, hard floor. For Ana, even just the act of breathing was oh so difficult at the moment. Well, if she died like this, at least she went out with a bang!

She was in such deep shit right now, literally in a ditch and yet she had the urge to burst out into laughter. The reason? Just being Anastasia Steele, the woman who thought that no matter her actions, she'd always find a solution. Ha! Well, the consequences of her actions were disastrous at this very moment. And right then, it dawned on Ana that the joke was on her!

She wanted nothing more than to get the hell up, and walk home or hitch hike back to Seattle, but those options were impossible. Why? Because she was probably bleeding to death at the moment, unable to get up and get help for herself. As she tasted more of her own blood, Ana decided to say goodbye to this world. "Bye, bye world. I did have a great time with you." Were the last words leaving Anastasia Steele's swollen, bloody lips before it went dark before her very eyes.




The sound of someone calling out to her from afar, made Ana attempt to open her eyes. But no matter how hard she tried, her eyes were acting stubborn as her and weren't cooperating! After the voice, (Gosh, that voice sounded so freaking raw, almost haunting) stopped calling out to her, she felt two hands lift her body up.

'No, no, no. Where are you taking me, person with the raw voice?' that was what Ana wanted to say, but she wasn't able to. So, she decided to stop trying.

With her eyes still closed, her voice stuck in her throat, Ana felt being carried by two strong arms. She still felt blood pouring or trickling out of her thigh, and wanted to tell this person that she was injured, but her voice was still uncooperative. Ana felt herself slipping away again, but then she heard that raw voice.

"Stay! Try to stay awake!" the man ordered, the tone of his voice so demanding, it sent chills up and down her spine.

"OK." She wanted to say, but she wasn't able to do so, so she nodded weakly.

In her opinion it took forever, but finally she felt that the man had stopped walking with Ana still in his arms.

Again, Ana attempted to open her eyes, but her fucking eyes failed her once again. While still having her in his arms, the man with the raw voice was busy with something. She heard a door unlock, and felt him move again, then Ana heard a soft thud. Oh, he had shut a door. So the man probably had brought her at his home? Well, that was what she assumed.

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