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"I'd like to draw you again, Christian... and don't be angry at me, please." Ana said softly." My inspiration needs to be fueled, and strangely YOU are that fuel"

As those words reached his ears, Christian watched Ana, his brows furrowed, wondering if she was being truthful.

Ana's eyes were locked onto his, her heart beating 80 miles per hour.

'Oh, God oh God, oh God, I shouldn't have asked him that... He's so going to leave Seattle, and go back home, because of my big, fat mouth!' she thought, while Christian seemed to ponder what to say to her.

His gray eyes were still fixed onto hers, his gaze piercing, making her feel so uncomfortable.

"You know what," she started, because she couldn't bear the silence any longer." Never mind"

Then Ana took a deep breath, and walked over to her bedroom door. Without looking Christian in the eyes, she swung the door open and said." I'm tired... good night, Christian"

As he walked out her bedroom, Christian still frowned, and tried making eye contact with her.

However, she purposely avoided eye contact, because there was a slight blush on her cheeks.

Ana still couldn't take it, whenever he'd look at her like he saw right through her... he didn't talk much, but when he looked at her as if she was being dissected, she didn't feel like herself.

But the weird thing about it is that Ana kind of liked it...

Fucking hell! No, she didn't like him, did she?!

Nope, most definitely not!




The next morning, Ana was awoken by a steady knock on her bedroom door.

"Hold your horses, OK?!" She snapped, and searched for her slippers." Do you know what time it is, Christian?"

"Open up, Miss"

She opened the door, her chestnut-colored locks in a messy pony tail, while blinking at the man who stood in front of her.

"What do you want?" Ana asked, and yawned aloud.

She observed him, and noticed that he had shaved and showered.

God... he looked so different without the beard.

"Miss, I'm here to help you"

"So?" Ana replied, and inhaled his wonderful scent.

God... he smelled good. Wonder what deodorant he was wearing. I should ask him. Or not!

"Miss" she heard him say, taking her out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" Ana replied, and acted nonchalantly.

"I've been thinking about your request" he told Ana with a serious look on his face.

Ana's eyes widened, as it dawned on her that he was considering it." Really?!"

He nodded in response." I've decided to let you draw me" Christian told Ana, his hypnotizing eyes fixed on hers.

'Yup, he was doing it again... shamelessly staring at her. This has gotta stop, buddy!' Ana thought.

"So, what do you think about it" she asked, while looking hopeful at him.

Ana couldn't believe it, and smiled from ear to ear." You really are giving me permission to draw or paint you?"

"Yes, Miss... that's what I'm saying" he told her.

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