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"Go to hell!" Ana shouted, while her long, wavy, chestnut-colored locks fell in her pretty face.

"Gladly..." Christian replied, and strode out of his bedroom, leaving a sobbing Ana behind.

At the moment Ana was seething! As tears from anger spilled from her eyes, she huffed and wasn't able to think clearly any longer. In the back of her head she knew very well that what she was about to do was a very bad idea...

And yet she did it, her pride winning from the little voice (the voice of reason) inside her head, the one that told her to think before regretting her next move. Christian wasn't around, so while she frantically wiped away her tears, she got up from his bed and walked carefully in the direction of the living room.

Her thigh wound began to ache tremendously, but that didn't hold her back. No, she had decided to leave and that's exactly what she was going to do. Damn that gray-eyed man... damn that bully! Savage!

"Damn him!" she muttered under her breath, while grabbing the crutches, and searched for her boots.

Ana didn't care about tearing up her thigh wound, all she wanted was to get the hell out of this freaking house right away...

She found her light brown boots in Christian's closet, and also looked for something to wear. As she noticed the neat contents of the closet, all his clothing folded in a neat manner, Ana wondered if he was a soldier.

Everything in the house was just so neatly placed. Her own walk-in closet at home looked messy compared to Christian's small one. Ana couldn't find anything else than his clothes, so she decided to grab one of his Henley's and a pair of black pants and wore them.

She hastily wore her brown boots, and knew that she must look awful at the moment, but she didn't care... no, not all.

She didn't even dare to look at her own reflection in the mirror.

"That gray-eyed bully can go to hell! I don't give a shit." She hissed, and searched for the disposable phone.

When she couldn't find it, Ana huffed and with much difficulty she walked (mostly stumbled) out of the front door by using the crutches.

Christian was walking with huge strides in the direction of the town, not really having a destination in mind. That... that woman! The woman... the stubborn woman with the long, wavy chestnut-colored hair was so infuriating!

His mind was at the moment only consumed by the drawing the woman made!

And with that, he automatically had to think about what had happened that fateful day...

He remembered that day so very clearly, even though it happened more than two years ago.

May 19, 2015: that was the day he was forced to do such a horrific thing, the day Christian had lost himself completely.

Right now he tried to shake that memory from his mind, but no matter what he did, Christian could never forget.

There were days, he attempted to convince himself that they were just nightmares... that it wasn't real... that it didn't happen. But Christian knew better, he mostly felt it... felt that they weren't just random images inside his jumbled, messed-up head...

They were awful memories, some not real, but most of them were realer than the air that he breathed...

To his Navy SEAL crew and his superiors, he was a hero and he even received a medal for his deeds. However, in Christian's eyes he was no hero!

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