Why did you do that?

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"You moved," He stated." I told you countless times not to do it, and yet you did."

She gave Christian an innocent smile, and said." Oops?"

In response, he gave Ana a very disapproving look and asked. "Why must you be so stubborn?!"

"Ugh." Ana knew that she was busted and really didn't have an explanation for the man.

She had always been this stubborn... it wasn't something new. Her stubbornness was the reason she ended up in the ditch and was brought here by the gray-eyed man...

Ana let out a deep breath, and shook her head. Boy, was she in trouble now. Christian was staring at her again with those cold, piercing, unforgiving gray eyes... Whenever he did that, Ana wanted nothing more than wish for the earth to swallow her whole.

"Please don't look at me like that." She managed to say.

"You moved." He repeated." I specifically told you not to do it!"

Ana groaned aloud, and sat up." I know! I know! You told me not to, and yet I did it. It's not like it's the end of the world, Mr. Voice colder than winter." She blurted out, and then attempted to get up.

Christian glared at her, and gently placed a hand on her shoulder." Stay right there."

At that very moment Ana had the urge to scream! He was so freaking... infuriating!

"I have to pee!" she said, the tone of her voice a pitch higher than usual.

He stared right at her and said." Well, it's your own fault. You didn't listen to me. Now look at your wound."

In response, Ana's eyes darted towards her thigh. She gasped loudly at the sight... she was bleeding through the over-sized shirt Christian had given her. It seemed like she had torn out her stitches, the fabric of the shirt had observed her blood.

At that very moment Ana felt like a schoolgirl being scolded by her teacher. But in this case, Christian had been right. She shouldn't have moved...


"Does it hurt?" she heard him say.

Ana shook her head at that." No."

"I have to get some more supplies to stitch you up once more," Christian pointed out." I have to look at your wound first."

Ana nodded and gave him an apologetic look." OK, I'll walk to your bed." She said and got on her feet.

"No!" she heard him say." You'll bleed more."

She let out a breath and locked eyes with him." Then how am I going to ge..." Ana began, but stopped mid-sentence, because of what Christian did next.

In one swift motion he scooped her up from the floor, making her yelp softly, while she automatically clung onto him. Christian then carried Ana towards the bedroom with big strides. With wide eyes she looked at him, noticing how he didn't even have to put any effort carrying her weight.

Gosh, he's strong...

Christian gently placed her on his bed, and sat in the chair." I have to look at your wound." He stated, his gray eyes locking onto hers.

She nodded at that." Yeah... of course."

As he furrowed his brows, Christian carefully pulled the over-sized shirt up. Ana's eyes instantly fluttered shut and waited.

"How bad is it?" she asked, afraid of his answer.

"Miss, you can open your eyes." He ordered.

She did and looked down at her thigh. Crap!

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