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I wasn't blind, I saw how Tommy had started to look at me. He was beginning to see me as less of a sister and more of something else. It was a little creepy, but I liked the attention. Before breakfast that morning, he told me that there was something he needed to ask me, and that I should meet him in his room after breakfast.
I had a pretty good idea what he wanted to ask me, but I wasn't sure. I thought and pondered about it all through the meal. Finally, we were excused.
I made my way up to his room. He was already waiting for me. "Come on in," he said gesturing for me to go into his room. I walked in, and he followed behind me. He shut the door, which made me nervous. It wasn't that he was dangerous, it was that he was unpredictable. I had heard rumors about Zack. I was the only one who had though. Being quiet had its advantages. People forgot I was there and talked about topics that should be discussed in private.u
He turned toward me. "Lilo, will you go on a date with me?" I had been expecting it, but I still hesitated. He noticed and added, "Please?"
I gave in. I knew I shouldn't have, and I knew it would most likely end badly, but I still gave in. "Yes."
His entire face lit up. "Meet me tonight at the front door."
I nodded already questioning why I had said yes.

That night...

I had dolled myself up and was prepared for the night. I had put on a light blue knee length dress, sandals, and gold jewelry. I didn't put on makeup. I walked down the stairs and saw Tommy. I hate to admit it, but he looked handsome. He was in a tuxedo, and I don't know how he knew, but he was wearing a tie that matched my dress.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I want it to be a surprise," he answered.
I shrugged. He took my arm and led me to his car. He opened the car door for me. Wow, he is a gentleman. I was genuinely surprised. Not many people nowadays do that. He closed the door after I got in and got in himself. He started the car and started driving.
The ride was silent until he said, "It's been awhile you know."
"Awhile since what?" I inquired.
"Since I've been on a date. I'm actually really nervous. I want everything to go perfectly." I thought that was really sweet.
"Well, it's going well so far. As long as we're not going to a five star restaurant, tonight will be perfect." I said with my best poker face. Tommy paled visibly and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm joking!" I assured him. I guess I know where we're going now, I thought smugly.
We arrived at the restaurant and were immediately seated at a table for two looking out a window. It definitely had a romantic atmosphere. Suddenly, I was nervous. What if I actually fall for him? I had originally said yes because I thought it would be a nice thing to do on a Friday night, and it wasn't like we were biologically related or anything, but what if this turns into something more? I didn't realize that I had gone pale until Tommy asked me if I was okay. I nodded. There wasn't anything wrong...yet.
We ordered, and handed our menus to the waiter. I could tell Tommy was nervous too. It was a relief that I wasn't the only one. Once we got our dinner, we started eating in silence. This was the most awkward position I had ever been in. Maybe I should start a conversation. "How has your summer been?"
"Good." He didn't elaborate.
"What's your favorite color?"
"Pink." This was getting us no where.
"Vigilante or Superhero?"
He stared at me. "What?"
"Do you think that superheroes are superheroes or vigilantes?" I asked.
"Superheroes." I could practically hear the duh tacked onto the end of that statement.
"But why? They work outside the law and instead of working with the police, they work separately. That seems more like a vigilante to me."
"They have no choice. If they worked closely with the police someone could discover their identity."
"Why have an identity at all? If they aren't being vigilantes, why hide?"
He didn't have an answer for that, but the conversation had done its job. We talked about the randomest topics for the rest of the dinner. Afterwards we got ice-cream. I was having such a good time my previous worries forgotten. We approached the front door laughing. He unlocked the door, but before he opened it, he turned around and kissed me. He kissed me... and I had kissed him back. I stood there in shock. I don't know how long I stood there, but Tommy had gone inside.
I think that was the moment I fell for him. We had a few more dates over the next week, but the most memorable (and not in a good way) was the one two weeks from our first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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