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Later that night...

I can't believe it was that easy. After I had stolen the key, I decided to break into his office.
As I crept down the hallway to get to his office, my conscience started acting up. I hate it when my conscience acts up.
You know this is wrong, my angel said.
They have been keeping secrets, my devil said.
It's breaking and entering.
You have a right to know.
It's wrong.
It became right when they started keeping secrets from you. And Zack for that matter.
I couldn't argue with that, so I continued on. After a few steps, I was facing the door, and I was scared. I was scared for what I would find out. This information could and probably will change my and everyone else's life forever. I took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob. The door opened with a creek and I winced. I was two floors below anyone who might be asleep but that didn't mean someone wasn't awake, let alone the help. That maid Abby was a tattletale.

As quick as I could I went in and unlocked the filing cabinet. Jeez! Carter was the sloppiest filer ever. I didn't have enough time to sort through it all so I did the only logical thing. I took everything, from every drawer, and then locked it back up. I kept the key of course so that he wouldn't open it one day to see everything missing (though that would be really funny).

I ran up to my room as fast as I could with all the folders hugged to my chest. I closed my bedroom door and dumped everything on the bed. I sat down and started to go through the folders. Most of it was just bills, receipts, and old case files from when he was a lawyer. Just when I was going to give up, a folder caught my eye. It had my name on it. Why would it have my name on it?
I opened it with my heart hammering. The first paper was my birth certificate. It read, "Quinn DuBois, Birthday?. Parents: Bianca Dubois & Luke DuBois." My dad wasn't my dad. MY DAD WASN'T MY DAD! My whole life was a lie. I gasped from a realization. Uncle Luke was my dad. This was wrong. This couldn't be true. Bianca wouldn't cheat on Andrew. I know she wouldn't, would she? How well did I really know her? I took a deep breath and decided to put aside my own problems until later. I was on a mission after all.
I looked through the folders until I came to one that had Zack's name on it. Just like mine, the first page was his birth certificate. I skipped right to his parents. It read, "Brittany Smith & Thomas DuBois. I was right! Unlike my folder, I looked at the next page. There were official documents saying that Zack was adopted by Bianca and Andrew. There was also a letter....

Dear Carter,
We must keep this a secret. No one is to know what has transpired. Bianca and I have adopted him to keep the schools from finding out. We have to keep Zachariah from knowing his origins, so I have invited you and your family to keep him from finding out his relations. Thank you for your agreement.

Figures it would be Andrew to keep all of this a secret, but what had happened that was so bad? I looked through the rest of the folder, but it was just all of Zack's medical records.
I sighed. At least I found out some information. I gasped. Zack should know this information! I bolted to his room with the folder.

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