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Stupid Katlyn. She just had to bring up Zach's parents. It was one mistake, one STUPID mistake, and now I can't forget it. THEY won't LET me forget it. Everyday the elders of our family give me these pitying looks, and if it's not pitying, it's scornful. All because of ONE mistake I made twelve years ago...

Bianca and Andrew had just brought in a new ward. Her parents were killed in a car accident, and they were close family friends of my parents. Well my dad and my step-mom actually. I remembered seeing her a few times at parties, but I never really talked to her. She looked gorgeous. Her eyes were plain brown, but to me, they were mesmerizing. Her chocolate hair framed her heart-shaped face, and when the light hit her just so, she glowed.
I thought I was in love. Eventually, I got up the courage to ask her on a date, and she said yes! It was amazing. We went out to dinner and a movie. Afterwards, we got ice-cream. I had never had so much fun before. We dated for a few months before we decided to take our relationship to the next level. Little did I know that night would change my life.

I shook myself out of my reverie. I didn't need to remember the night that ruined my life. I scowled, stupid kid. I knew it was dumb to blame the kid when it wasn't even his fault, but I couldn't help myself. If that kid hadn't come along, I might still be dating, hanging out with my friends, and having a good relationship with my family. Someone knocked on my door.
"Tommy?" It was Lilo. The funny thing about her was that her voice was either very quiet or very loud. There was no in between. Right now she was really quiet and I could barely hear her. She was my adopted-half sister. She was from... somewhere in Asia. I'm not really sure where exactly.
She knocked again. "Tommy, I know you're in there!" she yelled. Sighing, I got up and opened the door. "Yes?" I asked.
"I just thought that after breakfast you would be a little annoyed. Do you want to talk?"
"But I thought you would-"
"No, go away, Lilo."
"Okay, bye." I loved Lilo, but sometimes she was just too pushy. Bianca and Andrew had adopted her 9 years ago. Since then she had been trying to get closer to all of us. That was natural, I suppose, but it was how she tried to get close to us that I found weird.
I heard her walk away. I felt kind of bad about blowing her off. I mean she was just trying to help. Maybe I shouldn't have been mean to her, she is one of the only family members that isn't disappointed in me.
"Lilo! Wait!"
"What?" she snapped, looking at me with her arms crossed.
"I actually wanted to take you up on that offer to talk."
"That ship has sailed," and with that she turned and walked away.
I had to admit, I liked her when she started to develop an attitude. She talks back, and usually gives sarcastic replies. It is hilarious to watch. Not to mention, she looks adorable doing it. Although, as she has grown up, she has started to look less cute, and more pretty.
I need to get a grip, I thought. I need to stop liking people I live with.

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