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I was in a field. It was beautiful. There were two people standing there; a man and a woman. They were smiling and had their arms out as if ready to hug me. I walked over, so happy that they were finally showing themselves to me. But then a look of disgust came across the woman's face. She lowered her arms. She no longer looked accepting.
"Why would you ever think we would love you? After all, we did give you up. Why would we give up someone we loved?"


I woke up with a start, whacking my head against the low ceiling of my cupboard. I felt tears on my cheeks and knew I had been crying. I wasn't surprised. I had this dream at least once a week.
"Hey, LBJ! Wake up!" Lilo yelled through the door. "You're going to be late for breakfast!"
I sighed and got up. I walked to the dining room where everyone, except my Uncle George, was sitting at the table.
"Morning, Zack. Your breakfast is at your spot," our den mother, Bianca said, pointing towards an already set place. "Quinn and Freddy made it especially for you. It's your favorite."
I sat down and started pushing my food around my plate. I never had an appetite after that nightmare. Quinn walked into the room and frowned at me. "Come on twerp! Eat up. I put a lot of sweat and blood into that." That didn't exactly help my appetite.
"I'm not actually that hungry, but thanks," I announced.
"Fine," she said, "more for me."
"Oh, are you sick, honey? Do you have a fever? Do you need medicine?" I rolled my eyes at Bianca's mother henning.
"I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night," I explained. Katlyn looked up excitedly.
"Maybe you're a demigod!" She said, "It would make sense since you don't know either of your parents." Katlyn was a total book addict. Quinn smiled slightly.
"Not helping, Katlyn," Tommy, my brother, growled, glaring at her. I don't know what was up with that guy, but he just rubbed me the wrong way.
"We don't speak about his parents, Katlyn," my den father, Andrew, said staring at Tommy the entire time. The older members of the family all glanced at Tommy and Brittany before returning to the meal. There was something strange about that whole conversation, but I was too tired to figure it out now. Quinn seemed to notice something was going on, too.
"So, Brittany, have you ever thought about having kids?" she asked. She sounded innocent, but there was a evil look in her eyes. Andrew was now glaring daggers at her and even Bianca, in all her motherly glory, was looking angry.
"I think we are done here," Bianca said, promptly getting up and putting her plate in the sink. Quinn seemed to let it go, but I knew otherwise. She would just wait to bring it up again later.
"So, um, I'm going to go get changed now," I said awkwardly. Bianca gave me a nod of acknowledgement, so I turned around and left.
My room was a cupboard under the stairs. Yes, just like Harry Potter. Katlyn really got a kick out of that. Today was my birthday, but I didn't feel any older, and I didn't want to celebrate or get any presents. All I want is to know who my parents are, and why they gave me up.
I decided to do what I normally do to calm down. I grabbed my notebook and pencil, and went out to the old oak tree in the back yard. I discovered that if I sat on the lowest branch I was invisible to anyone looking at the tree. I climbed up and sat down, opening my notebook on my lap. For the past two years, I had been trying to figure out how everyone in my family was related. It was all extremely confusing. As far as I could tell, I didn't have a place in this family tree. My tree looked something like this:
Bianca was married to Andrew, and they had four kids: Tommy, Quinn, Lilo, and Katlyn. Uncle Luke is Andrew's brother. Uncle George is Bianca's uncle and had two children: Carter and Jeffery. Brittany is Bianca and Andrew's ward.
It wasn't perfect, and I was pretty sure that there were a few affairs that had happened because honestly no one looked like anyone else, but I still had no idea where I fit in. I didn't look like any of my "siblings", except for maybe Tommy. Hey, that's an idea! Maybe I am biologically related to Tommy! I jotted the thought down in my notebook, and decided to ask him about it later.

This is my first non-fanfic story. It was co-authored by my friend co-author B (she doesn't have a wattpad) I hope you like the story. Adino1600 I hope ur happy, I finally posted this. I'm debating the title. 'The Dubois' or 'Our Family Tree'. Comment your opinion and please vote if you liked it.

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