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Harry wasn't surprised when he saw that familiar face that's been keeping him awake. The thing is he didn't know why this guy was giving him a tingly feeling or why he was always on his mind.

"How many times do I have to tell you that staring is rude" the high but also deep at the same time voice spoke in a monotone. His eyes were on the cigarette packet he just fished out of his pocket and slowly opened it.

Harry didn't even realise he was staring but he felt annoyed by the man saying that as if he was the one with power. Harry is always the one giving commands not taking them.

"Do I not have the right to check who's sitting next to me? For all I know you could be a murderer" harry spat in a sassy tone. Thinking about it the man murdering people did look pretty hot- what the fuck? Why would he find murdering hot, that's fucked up. Harry took a deep breath and looked at the stars. The sky didn't have much stars that night but the ones harry could see were really pretty.

"Getting sassy now huh?" The man spoke through the cigarette.

"Do you care?!" Harry asked with a scoff. What was up with the guy and why is he being so annoying. "No I don't. Why would I? " the older man spoke again. His British accent running through the air. And some smoke."Because you're nosy?" Harry said like that was the most obvious thing ever. And the man just chuckled. They were quite for a long time until harry spoke again."What's your name? Or do you just want to be a mystery man?" Harry asked turning his head towards the blue eyed lad. The man let out a breathy chuckle before saying

"Louis tomlinson"

Harry said the name under his breathe to know how it slips out of his mouth. He thought the name really fit the guy. For some reason harry felt like the name held power and dominance. The name was really beautiful and it just felt right. Louis was beautiful but just really annoying. He was brought back from his trance when Louis started talking. "Are you going to return the favour by telling me your name?" Louis asked with an eyebrow raised. Harry pretended to think about it for a second. Harry didn't think it would be a bad idea to share his name as the man answered him with his name. But harry wanted to tease Louis. He doesn't know why he thinks that's necessary but he wants to.

"Hm now why would i do that" harry said with a sly look on his face. He folded one of his knees up to the bench. "...because i told you my name?" Louis said like that was the most obvious thing ever. Harry wasn't convinced. "Um still no" harry wanted Louis to beg and that's exactly what he expected to happen but when Louis just shrugged and continued smoking, Harry's face fell. Is he not curious? Harry felt like he lost and decided to leave. He got up from the bench and still expected Louis to ask his name before he leaves. A few steps ahead and Louis spoke up.

"uh hey you!" Harry was screaming on the inside and celebrating his victory because he knew Louis was going to ask for his name and possibly even beg. Harry turned around slowly with a smirk on his face.

"good night." And there goes harry's face to the ground again. What the fuck is up with this man? did he really not want to know his name? Harry felt pathetic. So he just hummed and started walking back home.

harry felt sad for some reason. Not that he cared about Louis but did he really not even care enough to know his name? He tried to push that thought by saying 'he's annoying anyways' but that didn't work too well for him. He felt betrayed? all the guy did was not push harry to answer a question and harry's already fretting over it. Harry found the blue eyed guy hot and attractive but that doesn't mean he liked Louis as a man. Harry just knew that he was some rich ass guy who didn't care about anyone other than him and probably has about 3 hoes waiting for him at home.

Harry walked home and unlocked his door with a sigh. He knew niall was home but he was too tired to wait for him to unlock the door so he did it himself with the spare key niall handed him just in case. As he walked in to the 2 bedroom apartment he was hit by the smell of junk food. Probably maccy's. Harry walked more deeper to find niall plopped down on the couch. As soon as he saw harry niall ran towards him. "Thank goodness you're here. You didn't tell me you were gonna be late and you don't even have work today. What took you so long? And why didn't you answer your phone?!" Niall rambled with a worried look.

harry realized only then that he had turned his phone to airplane mode because he didn't want noah's messages to distract him from his studies and he forgot to turn it off. He quickly shoved his phone from the back pocket of his black ripped jeans and turned off airplane mode. And soon the notifications started flooding. He gave niall an apologetic  look before telling him his excuse and apologises for getting him worried. To Niall's disappointment harry left without another word with his eyes glued to his phone.

Niall and harry used to be so close they wouldn't even drink a glass of water without letting the other one know and niall misses that harry. With noah in his life harry has no time for niall and that was just one reason why he hated noah. But there are many other reasons for niall to hate this noah guy.

Noah is really needy. Too needy that niall thinks, no niall knows noah is just using harry. Harry definitely doesn't deserve a prick like him. Even though they have never met, just by noah taking up all of niall and harry time away he just knows that a cactus is way better than noah.

Niall thought about times they would argue about who was gonna eat the last fry or when they went on a hike and harry had to pick niall up half way through. Those were the times. Good old days before noah.

Niall walked to the kitchen when he heard his stomach rumble. The first thing he saw there was the nuggets he had bought for harry the other day. It's ruined. Niall didn't frown because the nuggets were ruined and he can't eat it anymore, he frowned because harry never even had time to eat the nuggets niall bought for him. When was the last time harry ate. Noah probably doesn't even give a shit. He is the one changing all of harry's schedules so why would he care.

Harry definitely deserves someone who appreciates little things about him. Someone who appreciates harry being a cheery little ball of sunshine, someone who let's him spend time with his best friend?? is that too much to ask?

that made niall over think. What if harry had found a new best friend and spends time with him? What if it isn't noah's fault but harry just prefers spending time with his new friend? What if...? He stopped himself before he'd have to cry himself to sleep. So he quickly grabbed a piece of garlic bread and heated it up. He watched a movie to get his mind to calm down and went to sleep.

Meanwhile harry was face timing noah after he replied to all of the texts he had received. Noah won't shut up about his day. Harry was pretty offended that noah didn't even asks about his day or how he was doing. But harry just continued pretending to listen to noah's rambling. He was fiddling with a ring that niall had got him just because he thought harry would love it. And Harry does, in fact he wears it everyday. Something about the rose on it makes him calm. Harry started thinking about how he hasn't spent time with niall in a pretty long time. Harry really missed giving him piggy back rides, going on car rides with him, having long conversations and arguments on which food is better or just sitting next to each other enjoying each others existence. He feels bad for not making time for niall. don't get him wrong, he likes noah. He's about sweet guy but he takes up too much of his time. But there's nothing he can do about it.

Harry thought how Louis and noah were complete opposites. Even if it's by looks or personality. Louis looks really confident and manly and noah is more of a goof by looks and even his personality. He likes goofy but he found mysteriousness hot. And don't even get him started about how Louis only talks when needed and noah...let's not go there.

"Are you listening to me, harry?" That brought him out of his trance and well we know he wasn't. Harry bit his lip in nervousness. "y-yeah I am, keep going" harry said but he wish he didn't. Harry wanted to go to bed. He was tired. No he was exhausted. All he wanted was to just fall onto his cloud-like bed and just start dreaming about anything and everything. But no noah wasn't done ranting. And Harry didn't have the heart to ask him to stop. He really didn't want to be rude or make noah think that he was annoying him. Even if he was. But to his surprise noah stopped on his own when harry left a yawn. " you should go to sleep, goodnight" and didn't wait for harry to say anything before he hung up.

Harry was worried that he may have offended noah by yawning and maybe he was sad? Harry felt really bad but went to bed anyway. He was tired of this whole simulation-like life. Jut wakeup go to school, go to work and go back to bed. He wanted adventure. He would be lying if he said meeting Louis wasn't the best part of his day. It was thrilling. Talking about Louis, he looked really good with that blue t-shirt and cargo pants. He didn't look that intimidating. Harry loved how those blue eyes shone in the dark with just a little light illuminated towards it. He loved how his lips moved when he talked, it was soothing. With that harry found himself slowly falling into slumber. Not before thinking about Louis one last time.

those blue eyes.

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