Miss Communication Part 8 - Riley Different type of family

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By the time I met Zoe and Ella for dinner I read everything she gave me and a bit more. With the correct terminology in hand it was much easier to find more information which helped me to know more. I had no idea the community was so well defined. It helped change the way I looked at the entire thing and even at myself for wanting it. It felt more normal now.

I am not sure what I expected. When they opened the door everything looked normal, Ella was wearing a cute flowery dress and Zoe wore some jeans and a blouse. Their house was brightly lit, nicely decorated and it had a cozy vibe. I looked around trying to find any clue to the fact that their relationship was nothing like the normal one but there were none. Ella was the one to serve the dinner, but Zoe was the one who cooked it. Dinner conversation was just normal get to know you chit chat type. If I didn't know better I wouldn't think for a second their relationship is different from mine in any kind of way.

We changed to the living room after dinner. I was openly staring as Ella once again didn't behave like anything I have read and sat on the couch next to Zoe.

Zoe chuckled, "Did you expect her to kneel?" she asks, noticing my confused stare.

I nodded "She said she was your slave" I said trying to get used to the word. "The internet kind of made it sound like she would be naked and kneeling down waiting to serve"

Zoe smiles and cuddles Ella. "We tend to behave when there are guests, but even when it's just the two of us. This is not far from what we usually are. There are many Masters who want their slaves to kneel and it's ok. For us it doesn't feel needed. I can make her do it if it will make you feel better though?

I shook my head "Don't make her do anything because of me" I said looking at Ella who grinned at me.

"You learn as you go" Ella told me "I never got anything out of kneeling day to day. It just made me feel lonely. Zoe felt the same and I am glad. The power exchange was in interaction you won't usually see."

"Like what?" The internet was informative, but it also made it sound like everyone with the same title is the same. Finding out that it's not true was actually a big relief.

"For us it means that I am simply in charge. For everything Ella does in or out of the house needs to be approved."

"So you get no say?" I asked Ella

Ella shrugged "It's how I love it" she says "Zoe and I are a perfect fit. She takes charge the way I want her to"

"Is it sexual?"

"For us very much so" Ella admitted "I see myself as a slave because I give everything to Zoe. The attraction and need is sexual though"

"Is it sexual to everyone?" I asked feeling a bit sad

Both girls shook their head "There are many different relationship and many different definition and I am sure some of them are not" Zoe promised "It's not sexual for you. Ella said you were asexual"

I shrugged "I am not sure what it was for me"

"I am very careful in trying to label others," Zoe said. "You are undisciplined, and you are going about fixing it completely wrong. Spanking is not a magic cure all action that makes all bad behavior go away. You need rules and guidelines and quick swift punishment when you fail. It can't be something you do for yourself you need someone's help"

I knew she was right. I have been trying to punish myself for months now with no success at all. I badly needed someone to do that for me but with Matt being out of the question there was no one. I shrugged my shoulder somewhat sad "Easier said than done" I said

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