Miss Communication Part 11 Annie Is it just me

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I didn't expect to like Riley. I had no idea how dinner with her and Matt would go. I only knew about her through Matt's stories. He loves her so much. She sounded so cool when he described her. Confident, funny, smart and loving. He loved her and so in his eyes she was so beautiful. His descriptions alone made me worry about meeting her. The idea that he gave me money that belonged to them both made it even harder.

I wanted so much to avoid that dinner. I tried one excuse after another to try and not go. I was seriously worried it was a trap. Riley was going to serve me dinner and then call me a slut and a husband stealer. I only stopped trying to make excuses when Matt spanked me for lying. It was a really bad brush spanking that ended with Matt hugging me and promising me that Riley wont make me feel bad. She wasn't that type of person.

Reluctantly, I agreed to come. Both me and Matt worried that if I refused it would make it harder for Riley to be ok with him helping me. I had to admit Riley was doing everything she could to be ok with my relationship with Matt. Including not caring when he gave me so much money to pay for the shut down electricity.

The first thing I thought when I walked into the house was, does Riley know she looks like a manga character? Her white hair and deep black eyes came together to start that look. She completed it by wearing a Japanese style outfit. She was seriously so full of style that I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I felt so worried when we sat down to eat. Riley was everything Matt said she was. She was stylish, educated, strong and comfortable, while I felt awkward, unimportant, uninteresting and a horrible person for needing her husband's help so badly.

I was right. It was awkward and weird at first. This was the first time we met and the only thing we had in common was Matt. Conversation was slow and a bit painful. I was starting to regret allowing Matt to convince me to do this. I was even worried about Riley disliking me so much she wouldn't be ok with Matt being in my life. I could feel my heart sinking. Everything was so bad, and then Riley made some Doctor Who reference and in a tiny second everything changed.

Once we started talking we never stopped. We finished with one topic only to move to the other. The three of us were having so much fun. It was as if we knew each other for years. We talked about TV shows and movies and books, but also about politics and work and life. I always knew I liked Matt, but by the end of the dinner I seriously wanted a friendship with Riley.

"I am going to show Annie the roof," Riley told Matt after dinner was done. Matt looked like he was going to say something, but he just nodded. I followed her to a set of small stairs which led to part of the house roof. Matt and Riley set it up as a small comfy sitting section. There were pillows and couches and comfy looking chairs. It offered an amazing view of the not too far beach and the sun set. "Wow," I said quietly as I accepted Riley's invitation to sit down.

"This is the reason why I wanted this house" Riley said smiling "This little piece of flat roof and the view. I come here all the time. It calms me down"

"Its beautiful" I agreed

Riley smiled. She used some thermoses she grabbed on her way up to fill my cup with coffee and hers with hot white chocolate. She took a sip and smiled warmly. "Is it just me or did we really click?" she asked.

I laughed. It made me feel nice to think she felt it too "I felt it too. It's more than just that we know each other through Matt. I think if I didn't know him I would have liked to be your friend"

"Do you want to go out next week?" Riley asked, "Just us girls?"

That suggestion made me happy. I am not usually shy but in this case, I am not sure if I had the courage to suggest it. "Yeah, that would be awesome," I agreed.

Riley smiled at me "It sounds like Matt is going to be a big part of your life" she said calmly "I am guessing you'll be around a lot. It will make it easy that we seem to like each other so much"

I nodded, and then turned serious. Riley was being nice and accepting and she was offering a friendship and I wanted to at least return the favor and be respectful. Not every wife in the world would allow my relationship with Matt "Riles thank you for being ok with Matt helping me" I said my face loses the smile. I wanted her to know I am serious.

Riley became serious as well. "Do you really need his help?"

"Matt didn't tell you?"

Riley shook her head "He said you need help figuring how to handle money better. There weren't any details though"

I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath. "It's more complicated" I admitted deciding to trust her even more. "I spend all my money on things I don't need" I admitted . Its compulsive and I can't control it. My house looks so cluttered because of it and I keep getting kicked out of my apartments because I don't pay rent. Its taking over my life"

I was worried that she wont get it but she hugged me "And Matt can help?"

I nodded "I think so" I said honestly

"By spanking you?" Something went through Riley's eyes. It came and went so quickly that I couldn't quite make it.

I wasn't sure about how to answer her questions. Matt told me she knew about the spanking. He also told me about the fight they had when he told her she needed it. I guess I owe him being in my life to this argument. I decided not to lie to her "He'll do it by introducing structure and discipline into my life" I answered "but yeah, he'll spank me. I am sorry I know it's hard for you to understand. I just need it so badly Riley"

Another spark went through her eyes. Again not fast enough to read and know what was going on in her mind. "Ok" she said her lips curve into a small smile "I am ok with that"

I beamed at her. "Thank you!" I said reaching over and hugging her tightly "I will respect you and your relationship with him" I promised "Your friendship is new but its already important to me"

Riley hugged me back "To me too" she said quietly 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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