Miss Communication Part 10 Riley Too much logic

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I was standing in the corner waiting for Ella to call me to her. In the two weeks since she and Zoe took charge I have made small but steady progress. I wasn't close to where they wanted me to be, but I am slowly learning how to make myself be better at managing my time. Today was the first time I made no effort at all. By the time Ella came to take me to lunch I had not done work at all. It didn't matter if there was someone there or not. She sharply scolded me to do better after lunch but when she came back by the end of the day there was still no work achieved.

It was just me and Ella this week. Zoe was away for a conference and all hopes I had for a free day when I am not required to follow the rule disappeared when Ella placed me here with my bottom bare. I knew better than to complain. It only served to make the punishment worse, and it only made it longer. Neither of them seemed to like it much when I disobeyed them.

"Turn around little sister" Ella handed me the large paddle with holes. I sniffled a little but took it without whining. Complaining increased the punishment. Already drilled I took the position and bent myself over the couch. This one was going to suck.

"Miss Zoe warned you," she reminded me. "For every day you make no effort the punishment is going to get worse. Didn't she?"

I shuddered a little "Yes Ma'am" I said sadly.

Ella and Zoe did my spanking exactly the same. The only difference was Ella guided with the word now instead of swat and preferred reddening one side before the other. It always started with the left and moved to the right and finally to the middle. I was still expected to obey the pace, keep every single swat painful and count loudly.

"Now" Ella started and then without giving me any time to process the pain or the spank she continued "now, now, now, now now, now, now, now, no..." She never completed the last now. The quick spanking was painful and none of them used it for more than a few swats before. This was new and more painful than usual and I could not help but stop. My butt was on fire.

Ella frowned "We are going to start over" she said simply "You don't stop until I say so. Am I clear?"

I nodded forcing away tears "Yes Ma'am"

The spanking renewed just as fast. It went up to a very painful 75 swats. Ella didn't slow down at all. This was the most painful spanking I have gotten so far and I was in tears pleading for it to stop after the tenth swat. Nothing worked, Ella ignored every single plea for the punishment to stop. When the spanking was over I expected her to sit me down on the hard chairs to do some lines. It had been the pattern every single spanking.

Ella didn't. Instead she just grabbed me and held me in a hug "I know I gave you a rough spanking" she said inspecting me "But I didn't think I spanked you enough for you to cry like this. Are you ok?"

I wasn't sure how she knew and thankful she did at the same time "I... Me and Matt are fighting" I admitted sadly "We had been since the beginning of the weekend"

"Oh no" Ella said sadly "Is that why you didn't even try today? Your mind was in a different place?"

I nodded sadly "We fought all through the weekend" I admitted trying to hold back tears "And some this morning"

Ella led me to the couch and sat next to me. She hugged me tightly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"He met this girl online" I said sobbing "And he gave her over $500 from our money"

"Whoa" Ella said "Not cool. Are you ok? Who is she?"

I shrugged. The question of if I was ok was complicated "Her name is Annie" I said "They met online a few months ago. They have been getting closer"

Ella hugged me "I would be upset over the money too" she said "If Zoe and I were married and all of a sudden she got into our bank account and gave away money without asking me. I mean the money belong to both of you and you both need it"

I shook my head "It's not really the money" I admitted "I mean he took it from like a separate savings account which is a backup to a backup. The chance we would need it were slim"

Ella looked at me as if she wasn't sure what to say "Are you upset because the money went to Annie? Do you think you might not get it back?"

I bit my lower lip unsure "I don't know her" I admitted "Matt seems to trust her"

Ella looked at me quietly for a few moments "Riley, if we needed $500 would you give it to us?"

Her questions left some sort of a pit at the bottom of my stomach "In a blink" I admitted

"Do you think he is cheating?" she asked. The next question followed right away "Actually, do you guys even have cheating?"

I had to stop and think about it "I don't know" I sighed "Clearly its not about sex. Maybe it comes down to emotional connection?"

Ella wrinkled her forehead "You have an emotional connection with us" she said "Is it different?"

I had to think about it. She was right though. "No" I said sadly "It's not"

Ella looked at me "Riles I think...."

"I know" I said quietly "I see it too"

Ella hugged me "Go home and talk to Matt, Riles" she said.

I nodded and said my goodbyes. I turned around just before I got to the door. "I think he spanks her," I said. For some reason even the words made my heart heavy.

"Are you anywhere close to telling him about the spanking?" Ella asked gently

I shook my head "I tell when he sleeps. Every day"

Ella shook her head "There is a big chance he does." she said "Riles, we spank you. It's about the same"

"I hate being an engineer" I said "logic gets in the middle of fighting"

Ella laughed "Next time major in something more useful" she grinned "Like drama"

I laughed and drove home. I found Matt outside on the porch with a glass of wine. He stiffened when he saw me, as if he was preparing for another round of fighting.

"I don't want to fight," I said quietly. "I just want to talk"

Matt's posture relaxed and he nodded "I don't want to fight either Riles" he said sounding tired.

I sat down and grabbed his glass of fine. I took one sip and put it back "You caught me by surprise" I admitted with a small sad sigh "I knew Annie was important for you. I just never realized how important she was till you gave her so much money"

Matt smiled at me. He wanted this fight to end as much as I did. I could see how tired he looked "As important as Ella and Zoe are to you I am guessing" he said softly "But Riles, I should have checked with you about the money"

"I know, and yeah Matt you should have. This was a big chunk of money, it needed to be a discussion not a done deal"

Matt smiled "Agreed"

I smiled back at him "I want to meet her please." I surprised myself. I had no idea that I wanted that before I spoke those words.

Matt looked skeptic "Riles...." He started to say worriedly

"She can't be a name of a person who gets so much money out of the account and has no face Matt '' I stopped him "I won't make her feel uncomfortable and I will be nice and welcoming. She is important to you and this is enough. She just has to have a face"

Matt nodded "I'll arrange it" he promised.

That night I waited for him to fall asleep again. It kept me up way past my bedtime but I needed to talk to him about it so much and I couldn't do it when he was awake. "I know you spank Annie '' I whispered to him when he was asleep "Zoe and Ella spank me too and for them it's so sexual that they can't do it themselves but they make me do it to me. I know so much more about it. I guess it works well for me because I hate how it makes me feel so much. I always feel like a child being punished by an adult. I do need it though and it is working Matt. I am sorry I couldn't tell you how much I needed it. I still do"

Matt stirred and I froze, but nothing. He was sound asleep, and I knew he would not spank me. Every single time something is even remotely related to it we fight. 

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