Prolog: The Boy in the Flames

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"Quick take my hand!"
Those words changed my life forever
It had been a an exceptionally hot summer, filled with an increase in the local gangs violence. The city dwellers scurried off the streets in the hopes of escaping a terrible end. If you didn't have devil fruit powers there was no way to survive one of the brawls. Even with the help of the local law enforcement everything had turned to chaos.

People ignored the screams coming from a dark alley as they fled, deeming their own survival more important. The young woman couldn't really blame them, her attackers were part of Marshall D. Teach's gang. And they were known as the most fearsome fighters in the country. "No! Let me go!" She screamed as she struggled against the grip of an abnormally large man in a dark brown Luchador mask. The sinister smile spread across his face sent ice through her veins. "I like it when they fight." He laughed momentarily turning his attention to the two men behind him. The woman clawed at his massive arm as she screamed for help.

"No one is going to save you. So be a good girl and just come with us. We just want to show you a good time." Fear filled her eyes as she began to lose hope.

This is it. This is the end....

The thought stole the last of her will to fight. Just as her form went limp the world around her danced in flames. Her attackers screamed as their flesh burned, though somehow she remained unharmed by the crimson heat. She slid to the ground as the giant dropped her, focusing on escaping the fire. As her vision began to fade she noticed a man approaching. A wide grin plastered on his freckled face as he said, "Quick, take my hand."

Thank you all for reading!

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