For the Rest of Our Lives

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[Pov: y/n]
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I please have your attention as we welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. Ace and (Full name) Portgas! Please join me in congratulating the happy couple yoi!" Marco's voice bellowed through the reception hall as my new husband and I entered. Pops had insisted on a huge wedding and massive reception. My face flushed a little as Ace led me into the room. Cheers filled the room as we walked in.

The hall was gorgeously decorated. Orange and Red accents gave the decorations a feeling of fire that blazed next to all the white. There was a table piled almost to the ceiling with food in the back, providing enough sustenance for all our guests, including Luffy.

I laughed as chaos erupted while we ate. Luffy and a few of his friends danced on the tables as we broke tradition and partied like we were pirates. I was glad I'd decided to change out of my gown and into a tight fitted black cocktail dress. My wedding dress had been a gorgeous ball gown covered in delicate little red and orange jems. I'd felt like an actual princess as I walked down the isle. Ace even teared up a little when he'd seen me. With everything going on now that dress would have been destroyed.

"CAAAKE!!!" Luffy shouted as he dashed to the 7 layered cake in the back. Nami, one of his friends I'd come to know, hooked him around the throat and stopped him dead in his tracks yelling "that's not your call IDIOT!" I choked a little on my champagne as I laughed at the scene. Ace groaned next to me, rubbing his temples as his little brothers actions.

When we finally cut the cake, I smashed a giant piece in Ace's face. "Ruuuude" he cooed as he pulled me into him for a kiss, covering my own face in cake. A few people laughed at the scene as Tiffany handed me a napkin. I'd asked her to be my maid of honor. Next to her stood a very pregnant koala in a matching bridesmaid dress. She looked ready to pop and anytime it was mentioned Sabo would go pale. He wasn't sure he was ready to be a father. I knew he'd make a great one though.

Things got really crazy when we finally got to the proper dancing section. Ace surprised me by twirling me expertly around the dance floor. He'd taken secret lessons just to see the shock on my face. It truly was a night worth remembering.
"Mrs. Portgas" my husband smiled as he held open the door to our honeymoon suite. We'd gotten off the plane 3 hours earlier and gotten lost. Sweat made my yellow sundress stick to my back a little as we walked. It was a beautiful, but blistering hot day in the little tropical paradise. As soon as the door closed behind us he pulled me into his arms, a hungry look in his beautiful Amber eyes. I melted against him as the kiss deepened.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you (y/n)." He huffed as he broke the kiss. My face flushed as I took in his face. Without a doubt this freckled raven made of fire had captured my heart and I was never going to let him go. "Forever and Always." I smiled before pulling him into another passionate kiss.

I hope you enjoyed! I wrote this entire thing over the course of two days while being horribly sick. So hopefully it wasn't affected by my delirious state.

Thank you so much for reading! And feel free to check out my other works (more will be coming! And probably not just One Piece based. I just have a bit of an addiction to it atm.)

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