Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

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[Pov: Ace]
"Who are you really?" (Y/N) asked as her (e/c) eyes bored into mine. Fear hid behind her tough girl front as she questioned me. Her attitude had changed when I finally hung up on her roommate. "I told you already." I sighed. I wasn't sure how she'd handle the truth. I knew Pops wouldn't care, he didn't hide our organization like the other families did. Sure we were a group of thugs, but we tried hard not to bother the civilians of this city with our business. If anything we kept a firm hold on most of the other gangs in town.

"Bullshit. You told me your name. But how do you know Tiff would be in danger?" She snapped. I couldn't help but smile as she glared at me. Her angry face was just too cute. The way her nose scrunched up and her cheeks puffed out made her look like a hamster. "You're cute when your mad." I laughed before the smell of something burning had me running back to the kitchen. "Don't ignore me!" She stomped after me.
[Pov: y/n]
I glared at Ace over my bowl of cheesy noodles. Tiffany and him were laughing over some stupid joke she'd just told. The second he had opened the door to let him in she'd flipped on her flirt switch.

That's just great Tiff. Give me shit for getting into trouble just to flirt with someone who could be just as dangerous.....

I sighed, giving up on intimidating the freckled male. The food was pretty decent, for how much the noodles had burned. When I glanced up once more I found Ace's attention on me. Tiffany was giving him goo goo eyes as she tried her best to eat the mac'n'cheese in a seductive manor. I found myself blushing once more as his amber eyes held mine. "Tiff, you have a bit of something on your face." I sighed pulling my roommate out of her zone. Her face flushed as she shot out of the chair before running to the bathroom. "Thanks." Ace chuckled at me as he flashed that goofy grin once more. "No problem. She has a habit of locking on when it comes to hot guys." My comment somehow made his grin grow wider. "So you think I'm hot?" I immediately regretted my comment as my face flushed once more.

After dinner Ace showed Tiffany to his spare room. She had to work early, and it didn't seem like she'd gone back to bed after I'd left. I sat curled up on the leather couch, still in Ace's shirt, since Tiffany hadn't grabbed any of my clothes. "I miss pants" I sighed as I threw my head back into the cushions. "That's it. I don't care. I'm going home!" I declared as I began to stand. "Your place isn't safe. We've gone over this." Ace walked out from the hall. He was drying his hair with a fluffy towel as he watched me. "You can borrow pants from me ya know."
"I want my own clothes!" I whined. Today had been too much to handle. I just wanted to be able to curl up in something that was my own. "I guess I could go with you. Then even if someone shows up you'd have a hot bodyguard to protect you." He chuckled and had wiggled his eyebrows as he said the word 'hot'. Obviously my earlier comment was still amusing him. "If it means I get to have pants then fine. But you better not do anything weird!" I poured. Ace still refused to tell me who he was, so I wasn't sure how much I could trust him.
"See! Everything's fine! I didn't need a babysitter!" I huffed as we entered my apartment. It was no where near as nice as Ace's had been, but it suited Tiff and me perfectly. "Just stay put. I'll be quick." I grumbled heading off to my room. As soon as I had turned my back I could hear the sounds of my Ravenet bodyguard being nosey.

"Told you she'd show." A sinister voice purred as I opened my bedroom door. My voice caught in my throat as I stared at the intruder. He was another extremely large man. His eyes were hidden by a police cap, a cigar filled my room with smoke. In his hands he held out a sword, aimed at my throat. I immediately recognized him. Shiryu, the ex police captain. He'd been discharged due to numerous acts of unnecessary violence. "Now why don't you just quietly come with me and I promise I won't hurt that pretty little face.... Too much." I felt tears form in my eyes as my fear overwhelmed me. I was frozen in place.

"You ready to go?" Ace's voice trilled as he walked towards my room. I found enough courage to attempt my escape. Pain flooded through me as I felt Shiryu's blade slice across my back. I screamed as I fell to the floor. My eyes locked onto Ace, who immediately sprung into action at my voice. The freckled man leaped over me and landed a blow directly to the maniacs face. I pulled myself out into the hall before turning my attention to their fight. Pain flooded through me as I leaned against the wall. My eyes widened as I watched the fight. "Ace!" I cried as I watched his form catch fire.

Wait fire?? Ace is on fire?? Noo.... Ace is the fire?

The fight was intense. I cried as I watched Shiryu slice Ace in half. But the freckled male only laughed. The only damage done had been to his shirt, which now lay in tatters on the floor. My eyes widened as I noticed the crest tattooed across his back. It was the mark of the Whitebeard family.

He's one of them?!?!

Ace made quick work of the ex-officer. Once again he'd saved my life. "(Y/N) are you okay?" He kneeled next to me, worry painted over his attractive features, as he examined me. I'd lost a decent amount of blood, my body shook as my sweaty skin paled. "You saved me." I rasped before the world went black.
Thanks for reading!!!

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