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[Pov: y/n]
"She's waking up. Quick give her more anesthesia."

The sounds of monitors and people rummaging around filled my ears before darkness took me over once more
The faint feeling of someone holding onto my hand, tears falling onto my skin as a familiar voice softly cried "be ok. You have to be ok."
Soft snoring against my outstretched arm.
"There's nothing more I can do for her. We can only hope she still has the strength to fight for her life"
When I finally regained full consciousness I was blinded by bright hospital lights. A steady beeping sound filled the room as machines worked to keep me alive. I glanced around and noticed a few sleeping forms watching over my tube riddled body. "You're awake!" Tiffany's soft voice cried out as she noticed me shifting. Tears stained her face as she frantically shook my freckled savior awake. "She's awake. ACE SHE'S AWAKE." They both looked like they had been drug through hell. Bags hung dark under their eyes, hair all kinds of messed up, clothes that looked to be days old. But they both had huge smiles on their faces as they cried.

Ace wrapped his hand around mine, placing a soft kiss on my fingers. He looked worse than Tiffany with his body being wrapped in a fair number of bandages. "You scared me." He cried as he clung to my hand. "I'm gonna go let everyone else know!" Tiffany cried as she bolted out the door. "W-what happened?" My voice croaked as I tried to speak.

I'd been out for a month after the attack. Numerous surgeries had saved my life. I'd almost died. They'd called in the best surgeon in the world, and even he'd only been able to do so much. The fight for my life had been a fight against the odds. But I pulled through.

They'd all stayed by my side over the weeks, taking shifts to watch over Ace as he refused to leave my side once. Even Newgate had shown a few times.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble." I apologized to the group of people who stood at the foot of my bed. Tiffany, her boyfriend, Marco, Thatch (the brunette with the ponytail), Newgate, and a few other family members. I turned my attention over to Ace, who was still clinging to my hand. Tears poured down his face as he smiled at me.
"No need to apologize lass." Newgate boomed as he filled the room with a full belly laugh.
Recovery was difficult. But the knowledge that the Blackbeard family had been brought down eased a pain I'd been carrying on my shoulders. I ended having to stay in the hospital for a total of four months. Ace stayed with me the entire time, helping me with physical therapy, and learning to be a human again. I got to meet his brothers over the months. Sabo was the same age as Ace, and seemed like a sweet polite boy. He'd brought his girlfriend, Koala, with him a few times. Luffy, the youngest, was a handful. His energy had gotten him kicked out a few times. "This is a hospital! You can't do that!" Nurses constantly yelled. But he always managed to sneak his way back in. I liked them all, and we became fast friends.
The night I was finally released was a whirlwind. I still wasn't fully healed, so I had struck orders to get plenty of rest and take a massive amount of pills. Ace carried me up to our apartment, filling my head with thousands of questions. I didn't know what I was to him. I knew I was important but that was all.

"Ace." I asked as he tucked me into my bed. He'd grabbed some extra pillows to prop me up. "Hmmm?" He said as his eyes found my own. "Thank you. For everything..." my face flushed as he placed a light kiss on my forehead. "Don't thank me. It was nothing." His breath was hot against my face as he looked down at me. "But you didn't have to do all of this... it's not like you're my boyfriend or something." His eyes looked a little hurt at my words but he just chuckled as I heard a faint "yet..." leave his lips."
(Two month time skip)

"Hey babe! What do you want for breakfast?" My raven haired boyfriend asked as he rummaged through the fridge. "Why don't I cook. I'm not really in the mood for burnt." I teased as I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Low blow... uncalled for!" He laughed as he turned to face me. He scooped my face in his hands before planting a kiss on my lips. "She has a point! Burnt bacon isn't really breakfast." Sabo laughed from the couch. Koala and him had stayed the night after movie night. They were now curled around each other on our couch.
"Shut up. You have no room to talk!" Ace snapped at his brother. I just laughed as I started on breakfast.

"You should just be lucky (y/n) puts up with your horrible cooking! I sure wouldn't" the brothers continued to argue as I cooked. Our apartment was soon filled with the sounds of laughter and the sweet smell of fried bacon. I felt arms wrap around my waist as Ace pulled me back into his chest. "Hey! Don't distract me. I don't wanna burn the bacon either." I giggled as he placed light kisses against my neck.

We had breakfast out on the balcony. The view was gorgeous as we ate. I had to wake Ace up a few times as he and Sabo stuffed their faces. "Honestly you eat like starving children." Koala giggled. "You know you love it." Sabo smiled as he pecked the ginger on her cheek. I just watched the scene as happiness filled my heart completely. Ace leaned over and whispered in my ear "I love you..." his voice tickled my ear causing a small giggle to erupt from my lips.
"I love you too." I smiled as I wiped a bit of food from his cheek. This was it this was my happily ever after.
Thank you all so much for reading!

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