Freckled Savior

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                              [Pov: y/n]
           A few hours before the attack
"(Y/N) are you sure you want to go through with this? I know you need the money but this is the Blackbeard family we're talking about. It's dangerous!" My roommate, Tiffany, had been trying to talk me out of leaving for over an hour. She sat on a stool at our kitchens breakfast bar still in her pajamas. Her Lilac colored hair sat in a tangled mess around her face. She'd worked a double shift yesterday and definitely looked like she needed more sleep. "I'll be fine, it's just a portrait commission. Plus we need the money." I repeated the words, ignoring my own instinct to decline the job.

"At least take this with you. It probably won't take them down, but it might buy you sometime if things go wrong." Tiffany held out a little pink container full of pepper spray, motioning for me to take it. "They have Devil Fruit users...." The worry in her voice made me feel a little guilty. "Thanks Tiff. I should be back before dinner." I sighed as I grabbed her weapon and headed out the door.

The train to downtown was packed. Most people in the city didn't drive, so public transportation was often busy. Though today was made worse by the intense heat. Sweaty bodies bumped into each other as the train followed its course. I held my bag of supplies close to me as I leaned against a support beam. "Mommy I'm thirsty." A little girl cried in the seat next to me. Her mom just pulled her into a hug, trying to console the little girl. "Excuse me, ma'am." I dug through my bag as I tried to get the woman's attention. "If you want you can have this." I held out an unopened bottle of water. The woman's eyes teared up a little as she took it, thanking me for my help.
          (A few hours after the attack)
I took in my surroundings as my eyes fluttered open. "Where am I?" The words were but a small whisper as I looked around. It seemed I was in a fairly nice living room. A massive flat screen TV hung on the wall across from me, hovering over a tv stand that held a PS4 surrounded by an ungodly amount of game and dvd cases. The sliding glass door that lead out to a small balcony was slightly covered by burnt orange curtains. The dark brown leather couch under me looked like it was in good condition, minus a small tear on one of the arms. A red and brown rug splayed out infront of the couch, held down by a glass coffee table. There was a hallway near the wall the tv was on, separating the living room from a small but nice looking kitchen. The faint snore drew my attention to the corner of the room.

Sitting in a massive bean bag my savior snored. His face was covered by an orange 'outback' style hat covered his sleeping face. Red beads, with two larger beads resembling round cartoonish drama masks, decorated the base of his hat. A skull pendant held together the two strings that allowed the hat to be hung off someone's neck. I could see a black letter tattoo peek out from under the hem of his sleeve. His yellow t-shirt clung to him, giving a tease of his well defined muscles. A string of read beads that matched his hat hung around his neck, and a few bracelets decorated his toned arms. Dark brown baggy cargo shorts and a pair of black boots finished his outfit up.

As I started to pull myself off the couch I noticed my outfit had been changed. Instead of the teal sundress I'd left home in, I was now in a black t-shirt that said 'Sure I'm into FITNESS. Fit'ness taco in my mouth.' It was about 5 sizes too big and hung down to my knees. The realization I'd been changed by someone else's hands made me scream. The noise I'd made startled the man awake. "Huh? What? What's going on?!?" He jumped up into a fighting stance as his dark amber eyes darted around the room. "YOU CHANGED ME!!! While I was UNCONSCIOUS!" I screamed. I didn't realize my body had moved till my fist connected with his face, sending him stumbling back.

I huffed as the man stared at me in surprise. A goofy grin spread across his face as he threw his head back from laughter. "Good! You're awake. I was worried." His eyes found my own as he slightly bowed forward, "Sorry if I scared you. The dress you were in was dirty and torn so I thought you'd be more comfortable in something clean." His freckles popped out more as his face gained the color of a faint blush. "I could have dressed myself!" I groaned rubbing my fingers against my temples. "Where even am I? And who are you?" I glared a little as I took a fighting stance, just in case he wasn't as much of a hero as I'd first assumed. I had taken a few self defense classes over the years and regularly kicked boxed since moving to the city. A girls got to take care of herself after all.

"Oh... uh my apologies.... My name's Portgas D. Ace. And we'll you're in my living room." The man chuckled a little more as he met my gaze. "You were out cold, so I wasn't sure where to take you." He began to rub the back of his neck as his face took on a bit of an awkward expression.

At least he's cute! Wait no.... Not the time. Pull yourself togther (f/n)

"Nice to meet you Mr.Portgas." I wasn't entirely sure what to say. "Ace is fine. And you would be?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he waited for my response. "(L/N) (F/N), but my friends call me (Nickname)." I held my hand out to Ace, wandering why my only logical thought was to formally introduce myself to the stranger who'd basically kidnapped me. His hand felt rough and strangely warm against my own as he shook it. "(N/N). Cute~" he chuckled as his massive grin returned. I felt my face flush a little at his comment, fiddling with my shoulder length (h/c) hair. It was one of my many nervous habits.

[Pov: Ace]

"Are you hungry?" I asked the blushing girl in front of me. She stood a few inches shorter than me, and seemed to have one hell of a right hook. Not just anyone could land a hit to my face like she had. "N-no." Her stomach betrayed her as she spoke. Her face was only made more cute as it flushed from embarrassment. "Do you like Mac'n'Cheese?" I couldn't help but laugh as I walked towards my kitchen. I was screwed if she said no, since it was one of the few things I could cook. Plus I'd been on my way to the store when I'd heard her screams so my cabinets were a bit bare. "I guess.... Do you have a phone? I need to let my roommate know I'm ok. And I kinda lost mine as I was running away." She fidgeted with the hem of the t-shirt I'd put on her as she spoke.

"Here! Feel free to call whoever." I tossed my cellphone at her before beginning on dinner.

[Pov: y/n]
"(L/N)(F/N)! I told you not to go! God what would have happened if you hadn't been saved!!!" Tiffany screamed at me through Ace's phone as I explained what happened. I noticed my freckled savior listening in as he cooked our food. My stomach was in knots as I told Tiffany the truth, or as much of it I thought she should know. "While I was at the manor I got lost. And I saw something I shouldn't have. Mr. Teach ordered his men to get me and I ran. I left everything behind Tiff. And when they caught up to me.." my voice caught in my throat as I recalled the attack. I'd been so scared, so helpless. As I choked on my words a warm hand found its way to my back before Ace took the phone from me.

"Hello, my name is Ace. I'm the one who saved (y/n). I couldn't help overhear her. If Blackbeard ordered her capture you're not safe." His voice was serious as he gave Tiffany his address. His hand was rubbing soothing circles along my back as he spoke.
Thanks for reading!

Crimson Love (Portgas D. Ace x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora